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Richard Prager

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Everything posted by Richard Prager

  1. If you can smell it.....you're breathing it....period! Proper ventilation is vital to your health.....
  2. I use these and toss them. Not worth the time or effort to clean.......just what works for me. I also get my BSI slow cure from them. It is labeled as theirs. What they charge in shipping is what i'd pay for gas driving around to buy it. http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/gpm/gpmgpmr8062.htm
  3. If you've been usingit for a few years....then you should be telling us the pros and cons! LOL How do you apply it?
  4. createx black and a caligraphy pen
  5. That might work....or spinnerbaits and swim jigs will go through the weeds pretty good too.....weightles worms, sticks., etc. You should do well!
  6. If you're fishing vegetation, get some Gambler Big EZ's and their Burner worms. They will go through anything and is the hot baits in Florida right now. A medium action rod will not do the trick, though. You need something with some back bone...
  7. Can't speak for the bath thingy's...I can neer get them on right.......I use netting from Joannes....if it seems a little stiff, throw in in the washing machine a few times. Also, don't put your paint on too thick so the netting won't dig in......works for me.
  8. Mark.............I brushed it on with D2T..........yeah you're not suppose to epoxy the paper clip to the weight! LOL
  9. I would slide the weight on a paper clip so as not to clog the hole and brush the epoxy on
  10. Most vendors that sell blanks sell their eyes for about 3.25 per 100...that's quite a bit less than WTP
  11. I've never heard of the owner of the patent contacting someone......It's usually a cease and desist letter for the attorney...what is the name of the lure?
  12. I use a dab of the Locktite gel before i put the eyes on and I only use the hard eyes. Even with the super glue, I have problems with the soft 3D eyes. Half the time they fall off before I even epoxy them. They run like .03 each
  13. Richard Prager


    My condolences to his family. What a nice guy he was. I bought the first CD Set he sold....unfortunately for me I lent it out and never saw it again...I remember watching him sitting outside his house, demonstrating his Horizontal Method and easily doing laminates with melted pastels. He had an easiness about him and was always there when a question popped up which he had an answer for. Bojon was a Giver and not a Taker! You will be truly missed, my friend!
  14. Just give Kim a call over at www.lurecraft.com I believe she will make you a silicone mold.
  15. A very healthy and happy New Year to all my TU friends and mentors. Even the ones I have a tendency to piss off on occasion!
  16. The shipping is about the same as gas and your time to go shopping for it. They do have a rewards program and the cheapest BSI I can find. I also buy their brushes in bulk.
  17. Is that a siphon feed? That's a pretty big tip...something's not right. Sounds like you have a bunch of dried paint in there, bent needle, etc.
  18. That looks great! I'm all thumbs so I don't foil...but that sunrise yellow is one of my favorites!
  19. @DBT.....you shouldn't have a problem spraying the paint. What brush, paint, etc are you using.....are you backwashing after color changes? Your airbrush should have a nice spray of water with the needle removed as well as in place and ready for paint. I pull my needle out after each color. and wipe it with real fine sandpaper or fine steel wool. Shoot some water, put the needle back in and shoot the rest. It only takes a few seconds and i only have to soak my nozzle, etc. once every six months. You can't have any dry paint on the needle or nozzle. Hope this helps and this is what I find works best for me. I only use Auto Air,, Createx, Polytranspar and Wildlife, all water base
  20. hobbylinc.com Just placed this this morning.... 1 GPMGPMR8062 Epoxy Brushes Bulk (144) $21.99 1 HLC206 SLOW CURE 30 Minute Epoxy (9oz) $12.79 That's if you don't have a local hobby shop to save on shipping
  21. A siphone feed is not going to get the job faster than a gravity feed and more to clean. I can fill the cup 1/4 the way with Super Hide White and do 15-20 baits in a few minutes. It takes longer to tape the bills than it does to basecoat the blanks JMO
  22. I have found that mixing, temp and humidity is far more critical than exact measuring when concerning BSI 30 min Slow Cure. i do and 8 count from each bottle. If the epoxy doesn't "flow" onto the bait, then warm the bottle a bit with a heat gun. I paint and finish about 20 baits a week and have almost 100% success rate on the curing of the epoxy. This is not like e-tex and some others where measurement is critical. I also do not thin the BSI. Been doing it this way for a couple of years. I have enough working time to do two baits about the size of a 2.5.
  23. http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/hlc/hlc206.htm cheapest online if you don't have a local hobby shop They put stickers on of local retailers.
  24. Before you go, make sure you ask if you need a vendor's permit from the particicular city where the show is. Some may be purchaed online, some you need to go to city hall and some don't bother with them at all. I have had to leave show and drive many miles into the city to obtain them in the past.
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