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Everything posted by creepycrawlerz

  1. hey guy's, i also use lc scents,and if added to baits in a bag,the baits will absorb the scent,and stay scented for a very long time. even after ya fish with them.
  2. hi chris, i will be sending you some stuff for the kid's, always good too help youth events.
  3. try using a technical pen rapidograph koh-i-noor, work's awesome, the ink in it is waterproof and will not run when clear coated
  4. i have been ordering from them over the net, never had a problem, and received my order in 3-4 days constantly. great company. always got a confirmation by e-mail within the hour.
  5. yes i agree, lure craft color's are great,super fast shipping,and great price's.
  6. heating the 3x took about 1 minute to heat at 350. i used a lee pot to remelt it.
  7. i tried remelting the 3 x plastic and made some great craw chuck's, but the fume's are very bad, so i don't think i would try it again, made me dizzy,also could be toxic. once was enough for me. but the chuck's were nice, can stretch that 3'' chuck to 20'' no problem.added my own scent's, can't wait to try it out this spring.
  8. has anyone used a cnc machine to make hardbait lures? i been looking into the machines and looks like they can do a awesome job on cutting them out.
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