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Everything posted by maximusgunn

  1. Hey Bass This is what I use for my "mojo" style weights. It is for making rooster tail type baits but it is the exact same thing as mojo's. It comes with pull pins but you can also use .035 or .040 wire as pull pins. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/spinmolds/025724032250.aspx Hope this helps
  2. The one tactical posted is the one I use but I thought lunker city made that, I must be mistaken, just can't find them anymore.
  3. Is it a new pot? Did they send you a lead pot instead of one for plastic?
  4. you can make a stencil for your gills and other fine lines. You can use index cards or plastic milk jugs or stencil material. Draw the pattern then exacto knife it out.
  5. Nova They changed the law on the patent laws 2 years ago, from what I read and the way I understand it, It says you can no longer modify by 10% or use it for personal use.
  6. You can use mojo weights (cylinder shaped weights) cut them to lenth and epoxy them in. Then epoxy in the screw eyes after painting.
  7. maximusgunn


    If it was the guy from upper hand scents it took almost 2 weeks for me to get it, he just got hammered for free samples he will get the samples to you.
  8. Has anyone ever seen or know of someone that has a skirt color dark melon with gold and purple flake or Green pumpkin with purple and gold flake. Thanks
  9. That is a great idea, thanks for sharing. What mold is the 3rd from the left, the flat one from, if you don't mind me asking. I have been using a ballhead and sanding the top down but that takes forever.
  10. Hey Doug I received the sample you sent but have not had a chance to use them yet but man it is potent smelling can't wait to test it out. Thanks
  11. I think he means after you spray a coat of paint use a hairdryer to cure the paint before the next coat, because it will run otherwise.
  12. Not sure if this helps as I have never tried it, but Createx has a matte finish gloss you could try.
  13. You can use small 1/8" ? copper tubing put BB's in that, pinch the ends closed and you have a rattle.
  14. Thanks for the replies it doesn't matter if the bait is cloudy it is a dark color scheme but I just need the light to pass through so I think I will try MEK just get most of the old paint off then lightly sand the rest, thank you again for your help. Skeeter I sent you a pm not sure if you got it.
  15. Thanks for the help and the thread. The reason I was wanting to strip the paint which will be done on old cranks as a test, but for the paint scheme I have in mind the light needs to pass through a clear body, so I need to strip it down to the primer then light sand the rest and then buff out the scratches. Thanks again
  16. I did a search and couldn't find any info on stripping paint off of old cranks. I am trying to strip the paint off a few normans matte finished, and other ones as well. I was wondering if I used MEK do I need to dip the bait in it or let it soak in it, and for how long. I tried just wiping some MEK on and let it set for 30 mins. But it didn't do anything it just evaporated. If anyone has any ideas or has used it, the help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  17. Try taking the clear topcoat and adding very little black to it.
  18. This is how I do it. I use the bigger production pot. If you wipe down the inside of the pot with scent before you start it will help with the clean up afterwards, sorta acts like a non-stick surface. 1. Heat plastic up in the microwave and while the last 30 seconds of heating the plastic, plug the pot in on the lowest setting, (this gives the pot a chance to heat up but not to hot to scorch the plastic) 2. Pour the plastic in the pot and increase the heat by 1 setting every minute till it gets to setting 6 or 7 (you definitely need a candy thermometer to regulate the heat, there is a hole that goes between the outside and inside of the pot, slide the thermometer in that hole) 3. After the temp hits around 300 I add my flakes then pour away. With the bigger production pot the pour spout hole is bigger (3/16) so it will not clog up with bigger flake I have used .062 flakes with no problems. Hope this helps
  19. CJ What is Magarita Mutalator if you don't mind me asking?
  20. Those are tube bait rattles. You can order them from bass pro shops. You can get 50 of them for $14.50 Item # 21-422-230-07 Hope this helps.
  21. I have a customer that wants me to make the most funky, crazy, psychedelic purple worms I can. So I figured what better place to get recipe ideas than from the plastic gurus and coloring mix masters at TU. So any thoughts on this? Ex. all LC stuff 4 oz. plastic 8 drops Fluor purple 4 drops black grape smidge of white pearl and violet hi lite touch of .015 purple flake touch of .035 blue flake touch of .035 gold flake
  22. I use spike it or color rite dyes I prefer spike it in the chartreuse garlic. You can get spike it from many places, like bass pro shops or www.jannsnetcraft.com you can also order it off their home page they have alot of colors and different scents www.ispikeit.com alot of times local tackle stores carry it as well.
  23. Use a stiffer style brush, then use Acetone to clean your brushes.
  24. Would anyone happen to know a formula for Zoom's Bananna Seed, using Lurecraft coloring prefered. Any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance
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