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  • Birthday 05/27/1967

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    http://www.vanndalizer.com, www.crankbaitcomponents.com, www.crankbaitnation.com, www.crankbaitunderground.com
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    Awesome Baits

    do you have a carving machine or duplicator?
  2. No better way in my opinion. Make sure you have an explosion proof motor on you booth so you don't have a fire! And wear a good mask. I have used automotive poly from Napa auto parts for years. Its local and cheaper than most. My racks can hold up to 48 baits and sits or hangs inside the booth. The racks and booth will accommodate baits as long as 16" Dries in 15-20 mins. or quicker with a little heat.
  3. anyone willing to shoot or pour these if I buy the mold????

    Paaschee Paint Booth

    for sale - 550 or best offer. pick up only. Thanks
  5. anyone here making a shad shaped worm like or similar to Yamamoto? Looking for some for a buddy Thanks!!!
  6. Something to think about - Paache 62 sprayer - they have a few different nozel sizes and work great for spraying glitter! They will give you all the info you need. I use to use it to spray glitter on jigs and spinners. There worth the money if your spraying your glitter.
  7. I would like in on this next time!
  8. This is the one I was talking about. I dont have these in stock but they are available.
  9. Take a look here, http://www.worthco.com/fish/figure8.html there are also Lakeland, Rosco and a few others. Good Luck
  10. There is a reason this is hush hush. The guys that have these baits have worked hard to find there contacts, if they just gave you the contact info all there hard work would be tossed out the window. Also if you find the factory that makes them be prepared to buy at least 5,000 plus pieces. If you find someone willing to sell you smaller quantities they are probably not the original source.
  11. I spray automotive polyurathane top coat. I have a paint booth that vents to the outside of the building and I also wear a mask. So far I havent had any problems with fumes or getting sick. I would be more worried about getting the thinner or solvents on my skin than I would breathing the fumes. When in dout use extra precautions
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