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Predator Bass Baits

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Everything posted by Predator Bass Baits

  1. Thanks everyone for your help. here is the link http://www.tackleunderground.com/photos/index.php?n=1760
  2. Thanks for all the help this forum has provided Here is my version of a bluegill. This is about my 5th crankbait paint job
  3. I ordered eyes from Barlows on Monday, Tuesday was a holliday and they shipped on Thursday with me getting my eyes today, Sat. Now that was service..
  4. soft plastic would probably curl your black part ? being 300 deg. ?
  5. Hazmi,. I got my banana plugs, they are about the same size of the exacto is this what yours were as well ? you do not have any problems with the lure turning when on your drying wheel ?
  6. vodka, a glue called Goop is clear, flexible and strong, I use it alot for other stuff, maybe this would work ?
  7. I may be lost like normal but you guy's are giving links for air compressors, I think he has one but needs the parts to hook it up and wanted to know if his will work. ? But thanks for the link Dean, if mine blows I know were to get one.
  8. start hear and see what you can find near you. http://www.iwata-medea.com/contact/us_retail.jsp
  9. I just got some kreatex the other day with no problem, also our temps will be in the 50's next week if they can ship right away.
  10. Rod, I am not heat setting but I do have a box ( short for custom ) with a heat source in it set at 95deg at the top ( kind of like a oven but actually this is one of my reptile cages I build and sell.) ( heat is radiant heat ) How long do you wait after painting before you take the tape off ? do you spray,brush, dip top coat and befor or after you take the tape off ?
  11. Bobp, the web Say's a couple days, I really wish they would get their act together, I liked ordering from them because they offer the most stuff. and best deals on most.
  12. Thanks Sonny, I di pick some up but I really do not care for them, I opened one up for the black pupil and I did not like that as well.
  13. Well with shipping charges on 100 you got took. Any chance you would like to share your eye design and pics ?
  14. On my lures after painting and I peal the tape off it is peeling paint off the nose of the bait, do any of you get this ? If so how do you fix this ? I see taking a exacto and cutting paint but if you go off a tad you could end of leaving tape behind.
  15. I e-mailed them and told them to cancel my order, Here is the e-mail I got back. I cancled you orde for you. Sorry for the why you feel. We try to kept thing in scok.
  16. vodka, I did follow up with a phone call, and they said they would ship what they had the next day, that was 10 days ago. All I really wanted was the eyes, I spent about 1 hr figuring out what else to get to find out they did not even have the eyes, I wasted my time and now they wasted 2 weeks of mine. Will I order from them again ? NOPE
  17. Thanks Guy's Yes they need to put out of stock on the website, sucks when the items you want they do not have and they do not tell you. They have not charged my credit card so I know they did not ship yet. What size are LC, they offer 2.5 and 4.0 I like the option of sizes and colors barlows have.
  18. I am fed up with stamina, they never have what you want in stock and they also take for ever to get items out. I placed a order 2 weeks ago and it still has not shipped. I even called like 10 days ago and they said it would ship next day. I placed a big order with only needing the 3-D lure eyes but I orded a ton of other stuff because I was ordering. This is not the first time I have had this problem with them Were else can I buy 3-D lure eyes ?
  19. water works fine for me, I have the cleaning pot and it works nice, you could always use like a 2 litter bottle with a hole and a exhaust hole just as easily but it would be more tippsy.
  20. Me being new, I built my own paint booth with a furnace fan in a separate box like showed in one of the links. I bought the exacto knifes they work nice but when I wanted to dip in dicknite I had to take them off and then hold the lure a different way, I tried the locking forceps and to get the first click I damaged the bill of a lucky craft, I like the cheap .39 cent tiny clamps I got at home depot but I just need to figure out a holder for them. I also bought a fly tieing vise the one with the metal base so the rod stands up and you can spin the rod to rotate the bait, it came as a 2 part in a case, so I have a short length rod and a long rod with a separate clamp on holder for a rod.
  21. I dipped with the blue painters masking tape still on and I had no problem removing the tape the next day.
  22. Jimmie, I just started this week and I dipped DN and sprayed it once, for me dipping worked great, it is almost like water. spraying it, it went on thinner and it is hard to tell how much actually went on, then I had to clean the gun, so dipping takes like 2 seconds to use and spraying about 5 min. once you clean the gun. You will get a little on the edge of bil but you tip the bait top to bottom to just mis the bil. I also dipped with the blue painters masking tape still on and I had no problem removing the tape the next day.
  23. I do not know if anyone found this out yet but I did . I put dicknite lure coat in a small hard plastic container that you buy at the hobby store, it is sold for paint mixes and such. Anyway I put some in it and mixed some fleck with it. It ate through the container and spread over my table ( 24hrs till I found it ) I had a ireplaceable custom painted crank bait sitting next to it and it was in the goo, I tried to wipe it off the lure and it pealed the paint off the lure.
  24. If you use a top coat and heat flash to help set it up do not put the heat too close,( Dang-it ) Do not put dicknite lure coat in a hard plastic container that is clear and used for paint, it will eat through it!!! and if you have a lure that was custom painted by someone that you just bought sitting next to it, kiss the paint job good-by ( Dang-it )
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