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Predator Bass Baits

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Everything posted by Predator Bass Baits

  1. I ordered the 10 pour Friday, waiting to get it, he I guess has a 5" and 6 1/4" 2 piece molds. Bob is suppose to have one done as well but for some reason it is not yet.
  2. Hey Jim, Does that go for the Hawg sauce as well ?
  3. I get that dent sometimes when I open the mold to soon. When you heat a mold it takes longer before you can remove the bait, try to pour without heating the mold, if you can pour the bait then you do not need to heat the mold. I do not heat any of my molds but my Garage is heated.
  4. Sorry to hear about the Goop, did you notice on the lable it has a 24hr bond period ? 12 hrs is too short. Please give it one shot but give it the time.
  5. You just need to knock out the space were the faucet goes, I use a screw driver and hammer. it does not leak.
  6. Does anyone know the weight of plastic from the 3 manufactures ? ( meaning same volume of plastic) Like one stick with no salt, flake. I am using M-F S.S. and the only way I can get my sticks 10.50 grams is 1 cup of plastic 1/2 cup salt but then the bait has a crunchy feel to the touch or squeeze. I use canning or pickling salt and not crushed ( I do not want a opaque bait ) And 1 cup M-F S.S with 3 TBS of salt has the right feel but only weights 9.7 grams. I just cannot figure out how your getting heavy baits. Happy, so that preasure pot is nice then HUH ? ( some day )
  7. Hey Jevskeeter, how about posting your results.
  8. How about ( stolen ) that what it could be in the future, LOL
  9. Thanks Jim, quick search with those words brought up nothing.
  10. Dsmblack, what salt are you using to be able to put 7 TBLS in 5 oz. ? I put 4 TBS in 4 oz and you can here the salt crunching in the bait when you touch it. is it powdered ? And 21 sticks for 4oz but only 18 sticks for 8 oz ?
  11. Shad Shaker or shaker shad, whip or Tail whip, Minnow whip.
  12. Do we need a manufacture license to sell baits ? I was told uncle sam needs his cut and people can be sued.
  13. OK, I went to dig up my metal syringe and decided what the heck I will see if I can modify it, and it worked. I took and drilled out the tip as big as I could then took a separate tip that came with it and shortened it and then JB welded it. It works like a charm, it does get very hot but allot safer then the plastic one, Mine is for animal enemas, and it will suck up 1 cup of plastic, the plastic does not cool as fast in it as well so you have more working time,I just hope the O-ring will hold up. Thanks for bringing this subject up so i was benefited by it.
  14. Too bad it is not a 4 or 5" it would have been sold.
  15. I doubt it unless you can find a thick one at least 1/16 or thicker. The syringes were talking about are plastic but heavy duty. You need to be able to pull the slide out to clean it as well. I lube the tube end with a few drops of scent then put the slide in make sure it is free then I suck up the plastic, inject it, then squeeze the rest of plastic out and pull the slide back apart set it to the side, pour a few other molds, take the grub molds apart, clean the tip of the injector and re-peat, most of the time you can just stick a screw driver in the opening of the syringe to clear the hole without getting all the plastic totally out of the syringe as long as there is not to much in it. Just make sure you lube it every time. AND DO NOT BURN YOURSELF. The quickest you can do it the better as the plastic can melt it if it stays in to long, I have never melted one but my tip is getting bad so I need to get more, I probably have done 500 with the same one so far and have many more it will do. Did I mention CAUTION? I did tip the mold over when injecting this week and it squirted and luckily I was wearing a heavy shirt
  16. I will post a picture tomorrow of both of them.
  17. Dungeon, It still will probably not work, mine only has about 3/8 of a needle, the 2nd problem is, it is too small of a point, the syringe needs a fat point to make a seal in the opening of the mold, you cannot have a air gap at the sprue or it will not fill the tail, it needs to be able to push the air out of the chamber as it fills it. when you inject it, it will fill the chamber and you will feel that you are not able to squeeze anymore, then you need to release the pressure and then top fill the sprue after you pull the syringe out.
  18. Ya that is what I am using. Hey I shoot my molds with one fill, ( I use Del's molds )I do the 2 3" and 2 5" and 3 twin tail grubs, works so well for me I want more molds. It takes longer to open the molds up. only problem I have is the twin tail molds as their is no extra pour sprue and the plastic sucks down when cooling, It would be nice if del made that with a longer sprue, I ask him too but, BUT
  19. I doubt that will work, I bought one similar, the hole is to small and the plastic cools too quick, I wasted about $45 on one last year. anyone want to buy it I will sell or trade, LOL I inject mine with a plastic syringe that you use for animals, the thicker Model, but you need to be careful, I would never do my grub molds any other way, The one I use is a 60 cc, works so well I probably should not have told you. I purchased two of those pieces of junks net craft sells and man if they want me to give money to them for nothing they should have at least saved me the shipping cost. P.S. Anyone not happy with their grub molds I want them
  20. Thanks for the link, they look like they do not have grommets on the bags and are steep priced. I will check them out better.
  21. Tad, email me the pic, I will post it for you. predatorbassbaits@charter.net
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