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Predator Bass Baits

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Everything posted by Predator Bass Baits

  1. I guess I will try that as well, I did try the lee pot again tonight ( second time ) and before I cam on here my mind was made up to never use the lee posts again, bummer I just bought 2 new ones. My room temp is 68, plastic will not stay unifomly heated, to cold, ( no poor) to hot ( burns) It took me 1 hour to pour 3/4 cup of plastic out that thing, heck at that rate I would have to charge $1 per lizzard or frog. , $2 for a beaver. I will stir it every mold, I still get tiny drops of burnt plastic about every other pour, then it gets to cold and drip, drip, drip then it will start to warm up again and then start to burn again, by the time I got to 1/4 cup left of the one cup of plastic I put in it, it was over, that last 1/4 cup was trash, anyone want to buy 2 lee pots... Hopefully we can figure this out. Porbably has to do with to cold of room temps ?
  2. I had a gallon of Cal, and got a pint of M-F, I do not smell the M-F but I sure smell the cal plastic, I got sick the first day I used it. Went out and purchased a exhust fan the next day.
  3. Robbor, please add a link so we can see what your talking about.
  4. I got my lee pot today, had trouble, I was using cal, plastic, takes alot it seems to heat it, I ended up having to turn the dial up to 6 1/2 for it to be pourable, I then got my sample of M-F today as well and ended up burning the M-F. (made a mess.) With the microwave, cal. plastic takes around 2 mins to be ready and M-F at one min. it is ready. anyone else find this ? Also what is the best way to clean the lee pots ? What temps do you run your pots at ?
  5. http://www.bobstackleshack.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=25 If that was what you were looking for.
  6. I could not find the post, Can you use salt from the local store like rock salt ( for making ice cream ) or canning salt ? These are in the baking section.
  7. Thanks Jim and Del I do not think M-F does carry them, Do you have a link for the staywarm Jim ?
  8. Is there a difference in what LC sells and a lead pot that you can purchase other places ?( meant as plastic pot/ lead pot, same thing ?) Who all sells the Lee production plastic pot ? Links help also.
  9. I would like to hear what people are making with the white salt glitter, Please be specific on mixture Thanks. I had a little bit of junebug mixed plastic and a little chart. mixed plastic, mixed them and it made a real nice looking green. A tad More junebug then chart.
  10. I have not tried yet but I know a glue with the brand name ( GOOP) is the best stuff you can get, I use it for other things, down side is it takes 24 hrs to set real good., it does bond different types of hard plastic, that is what I use it for so far, I use it also when I buy rubber mice, I put some on the weight that is on mice/rats before I fish them because the lead weight never stays on long.
  11. Frank, I did not mean that towards you at all, LOL, I like your glitter,or I would have sent it back like we discussed. I just do not understand how you can pour at 300, I know I cant, but i am a newbie as well and you have been at it for awhile. I think with LC plastic I could pour at 300 but with cal(del's) I cannot, I need to get cal plastic up to above 370 to pour worms. Your glitter works well for me I am using it as added color from the bleeding because of the high temps. I still want to get more of your flo-chart. I have a sample of M-F plastic coming so I am hopeing I like it. Customer service rocks and so far Frank(senkosam) and M-F have stood up to the plate.
  12. Those temps are right up my ally, wish that would have been found last week, free shipping as well for over $50
  13. I stired it every 12 stick pours, I did not use salt,yet, I am low on plastic to run alot and it seems like you need to pull teeth to get companies to ship you things, I emailed M F last night about a sample from them and they called me today and shipped it right out, now that is service, I hope I like the plastic because someone else is going to get dumped. The turn table is a idea but I would need quite a few molds to make it work right. running them like a train works nice when you do not have 8 to 15 molds.
  14. Thanks Ryan, Here is a shot of the lab.
  15. Thanks Guy's, I did not see the responces until now and just got back in from my experiment, and I am impressed, I conected the valve a 1" under the pot and raised the pot with a stand I made real quick, and made it tall enough to run my worm molds under it and man did it work, I just left the valve pouring a very fine stream and had so much controll with a straight pouring line, I had three worm molds and just kept it pouring by moving them in line like a converor, as soon as the thired mold was under I would open the first and pull the worms, close it back up and put it back in line. It would be nice to have a forth or fith mold so the first had a tad more time to cool. I did end up putting the lid on it and had no problem with heating it. So Now what about the water build up can some one explain ? here is a picture of my contraption.
  16. I got dibs on stink-em sticks, LOL
  17. I got my E-bay special presto pot (For candles) that someone listed a link to today, It does need modifying and I probably would not recomend purchaseing one if your thinking about it, It might work if you do not have the ability to drill and tap your own cheapy pot from the store and just re-rig it. It is a bottom fed spout with a 90 deg. elbow and then a 5" tube then the open/close valve. The problem is that the plastic will not pour out because it gets to cool by the time it gets there. also the temp controller goes up to 400 but only heats the plastic to about 315 and I need to get the plastic up to around 350 to 370 , I plan on getting rid of the 90 and the tube and just run the valve tight to the pot, I will need to lift the pot off the table with a stand and pour from under the pot, right now I just plan to pour into a pyrex and then mix my color but then I need to chuck it into the micro for 30 to 40 seconds. Down the road I might tap into the side of the pot. I do have a couple questions, Can you put the glass lid on the pot to help the plastic get hotter maybe leaving it cracked a bit ? Or can I open the controller up and turn a screw to make it go hotter ? How about a pot rap, anyone making one ? LOL Any other suggestions ?
  18. Why metal or tile ? is wood or plastic not good ?
  19. I will take a 3.5 or 4" one as well. Can you make mine a 2 pour mold.?
  20. Yes I might be intersted in one of your masters as well. Or a finished mold.
  21. Good work Craw, I got some RTV this week also and made a few molds, made one last night with your tube bait directions but changed it up a bit, I will post some pics later. How do you plan on suspending that frog with the rtv to get a 2 piece mold as I am sure plaster is easier 2 make suspending bait's because it is thicker ? Or are you making one piece molds with frogs? Or are you just using that frog to make more plaster molds ? The down side of the rtv from micro mark is out of there 32 oz 2 part mixture you only get about 6, 1 piece molds (4x5x5/8 thick) or 3, 2 part molds (3x5x1 1/4 thick), and at about $43 shipped. Jim
  22. Nope, those sticks are from Del's 2 piece mold. I am playing with hooking the bluegill, I will post pics when I get a chance.
  23. Earthworm, I do not have a catalog, and I do not remember were I seen it now. It is L.C. # 5x832 $20
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