I guess I will try that as well, I did try the lee pot again tonight ( second time ) and before I cam on here my mind was made up to never use the lee posts again, bummer I just bought 2 new ones.
My room temp is 68, plastic will not stay unifomly heated, to cold, ( no poor) to hot ( burns) It took me 1 hour to pour 3/4 cup of plastic out that thing, heck at that rate I would have to charge $1 per lizzard or frog. , $2 for a beaver.
I will stir it every mold, I still get tiny drops of burnt plastic about every other pour,
then it gets to cold and drip, drip, drip then it will start to warm up again and then start to burn again, by the time I got to 1/4 cup left of the one cup of plastic I put in it, it was over, that last 1/4 cup was trash, anyone want to buy 2 lee pots...
Hopefully we can figure this out.
Porbably has to do with to cold of room temps ?