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Predator Bass Baits

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Everything posted by Predator Bass Baits

  1. Sorry, have not been able to try them out. I am in Michigan and it is too cold to try right now. LOL
  2. I received my order today from LC I purchased the Bluegill mold as well. Looks better in person then what I seen on a website. I used Cal's formula for bluegill except changed it a bit as I did not want to mix up 8 oz I mixed 4 oz plastic 2 drops black 3 drops moss green 1/8 tsp black flake 1/16th green flake 1/16th blue flake 1/16th gold flake I poured one blue gill pictured on the right ( 1 oz of plastic) and realized I forgot the salt so to the remaining 3 oz I added 2 tsp of salt The picture does not show it well but the no salt is almost clear.
  3. Jim, Was that for one lable plate, being the same lable on 20,000 bags ? WE could get 20 people to purchase 1000 bags each, :idea:
  4. Being a new bee, I do not want to pour a qt or more of plastic at one sitting especially one color Is it ok to heat a qt of plastic in the presto pot and take say 4 oz out and then mix my colors, will probably have to re-heat in a micro, main question is the remains in the pot, is it ok if you do not use all of it and let it cool to re heat later without dis colering ? Does this sound resonable or does someone have a better idea ? I will have to do some searching but if you know the link, or does anyone have listed the ratio for color to a qt of plastic ?
  5. LOL, That thing is huge, must be what about 12" long and 2.5 wide. What color do you usually pour in it ? I got a LC frog mold.
  6. I know the plug in dial controll dimmer your speaking of, I looked at it and it is rated for 300 watts, were a dimmer for lights is rated for 600 watts. here is one place that carries them. http://www.beanfarm.com/cgi-bin/store/agora.cgi?cart_id=8908509.12845*hr4O10&next=8&ppinc=temp&exact_match=off&user4=Temperature
  7. Thanks for the link, I just snatched one up.
  8. Does plaster make that much nicer of a bait compaired to a cyclicon type mold ? Seeing that the plaster could be broke.
  9. I heard that coils will not heat evenly from Del But you guy's with the experience would know. Also were can you get aluminum pans at ? I would want smaller ones as I am only pouring a cup or less until I get the hang of colors and such. I am using the micro now but need to re heat alot so was looking to have some on the stove and poor into smaller cup to pour and then get more when needed, also it seems you can have more control on the stove as you can look at it as it is heating verses behind a door, But I am green so if I am thinking wrong please let me know.
  10. I picked up a solid surface 2 burner stove with temp controllers, Before I use does anyone see a problem with this ? Also what about stainless measuring cups for melting the plastic as they have the little pouring spout as well ? Any problems with using the above ? I picked the stove up for $30 and the cups for $9 Thanks for any Input. Jim
  11. Thanks, I believe the item# above is the same. http://www.ares-server.com/Ares/Ares.asp?MerchantID=RET01229&Action=Catalog&Type=Product&ID=82664
  12. Do you use a mold release as well that they sell ? Item # 82664
  13. Thanks Guy's JD, did you use straight out of the bag or grind it smoother ?
  14. I read the "please read before post" I went to skidmore website for Alberger salt and found 3 types, 1 fine prepared flake salt 2 fine prepared flour salt 3 improved flake salt. which one do you guys like ? None said regular like was posted. here was the link I got. http://www.skidmore-sales.com/products/index.php3?function=show_vendor&slcVendor=P5K
  15. Looking for suppliers for alluminum molds, I know Del does but does anyone else ? please provide links.
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