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Everything posted by TikiJoe

  1. Well guys, I got my first pours done today. I made: Watermellon gold w/ pearl hi lite Senkos, Beavers and zipperworms and Smoke with med. Red glitter, and .008 gold Senkos and Beavers The smoke bubbled, but a quick remelt worked out. Out of 16 sticks I make, I remelted 4 or 5. The beavers came out fine, as did the zippers. I want to get some pictures up soon.
  2. Not that I know of. I prefer a good ol' fashioned hook. Hell, up in cranberry lake, nj the fish like my tiki sticks so much, I sometimes shave down the barb
  3. http://www.tfbass.com/1senko-type.html Check out Yum's Pumpkin Pepper Green #11. Pretty nice looking color. Gonna make some by the weekend, and see how they look.
  4. Yeah, Try ebay. I was on ebay looking at the molds, which all come from Bob's. The guy had a zipper worm for 21$+5 shipping, and then +.75 for shipping on any other molds you bought at that time. So, I decided to buy the zipper mold, and the beaver mold. the beaver is a 2 cavity, and the Z worm is a 4 cavity... Hey I like that: The Z Worm... anyway, I have had some shipping problems and all with a company I ordered from, so maybe I might go through another company+ebay+lurecraft+senko sam for the rest of my stuff... yeah sounds good.
  5. I was thinking about replacing salt with sugar flakes. Anybody got anything to tell me about it? Will it stiffin the bait like salt, and will I need alot more color like salt? If I get some good feedback on it, Senko sam is going to have a nice sized order comming in ;-)
  6. Dont, worry, I will be ordering some glitter and sugar flake from you soon... I am just getting started in this whole idea of lure making.
  7. Go into delmart's forum ,and find the recipe thread. Some people have created formulas. Also check out the recipe on here.
  8. I need to buy some more colors... Everyone seems to use lurecraft's colors...
  9. http://www.tfbass.com/1senko-type.html Check out the watermellon pepper color. Anyone think of a recipe for this? Tis a very nice color.
  10. Gonna have to make me a whole pouring pot rig. But, I need to get more colors/plastic and all that stuff first. Stock up now, Build that later.
  11. Hey there. IT seems everyone has their own ideas on stik baits. Add more salt, less softener,more color.. etc... Just wondering what some of you guys add to the concoction of making stik baits, such as plastic amount,color,softener,salt... Just to help some of the less skilled(like me) out. Oh and mils, sit this out with your big spiffy mixer and melter. We're all jelous now!
  12. Hey there, TIKI JOE here with some help for those beginners. I want to get everyone to make some supply lists to help out beginners, as well as pro pourers to keep their stock and inventory up, as well as delivering quality soft plastics. Pyrex cup Plastic Colorant Microwave Candy thermometer / My basic supplies.
  13. Thanks for all the help. I'll post some pictures of the first pour. Any colors you guys want to see?
  14. Very nice. Last time I went fishing, I was using some senkos and Tiki sticks, Basically the only two lures I use anymore. I still have my emergency box with spinners and sure-fire baits, but All I use now are senkos,tiki sticks, and some jerkbaits. My favorite colors at Cranberry lake(new jersey): 1. Watermellon w/ green flake- Such a pretty lure, and nails em on the rocks. 2. Tiki stick Baby bass pearl- this is a nice swirl color, and can be used texas, or wacky. 3. Pearl/white- On jerkbaits in the pads, The most deadly assassin. 4. Watermellon gold- A very interesting color that shimmers in the water. Great for coaxing bass out of hiding. These are just my main colors. As you can see, I use alot of soft plastics. The tiki sticks have a very soft feel, and when I fish the senko and tiki stick wacky rigged, The fish hit the tiki stick. Senko's colors+ tiki stick texture= Nice combo.
  15. Thanks guys, Some wonderful help I have recieved. I am hoping in the next week or two to get some days off from work, and get some poured to see how they come out. The ozark page was awesome, and I will be checking out some of that glitter.
  16. Medium for stick baits? Hmm, why not. Who should I get the glitter from?
  17. Hey there guys. My name is Joe, and I am new to making soft plastics. I have decided to start pouring senkos, as I use them most and they are the simplest to pour(so I have heard). I plan on making 4 inch senkos as well as 5 inches. Purchasing a kit from Del-mart, with some add ons. Just wondering what size glitter you use. There's ultra-fine,small, medium and so many sizes, it gets confusing. My question now is, What would you suggest? I know that the ultra-fine will use more, and it will have more, smaller glimmers in it, and the larger sizes will produce different light effects. Would it better for me to buy some Ultra-fine/small sizes to have some variety? If so, who is the best to go through for the glitter?
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