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Hello Everyone, Thank you Jerry for TU. I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everyone here who has helped me thus far. I could not have done it without you guys. Thank you for the time and patience that newbie redundancy entails. And thank you all those who help maintain TU which allows this to continue. I was able to grab a few moments to play with the new Xmas gift (digital camera) and finally snap a few pics to show what you all have enabled me to accomplish. I do not have the time to carve my own at this point, the day will come soon after I graduate. Until then I am satisfied with rebuilding beaters collected on dives. Any criticism, good or bad is much appreciated. I tried to re-size pics not to be too much. Hope it works. James
Jason, Sorry to hear you are having topcoat issues, lord knows we all have had them. I have to agree with Scoop on everything he has posted. I have learned some incredible things from this site which has allowed me to produce some wonderful baits that friends are all clamoring for. My two cents (probably worth less), I use the wax coated paper plates to mix my Devcon 30 min. I use a straighten paperclip. Depending on the size of the bait, I hardly mix more than an amount the size of a quarter after squeezed on to the plate. I am covering bombers, windcheaters, yo-zuri
Hello Everyone, I recently inherited a Mitchell 302 Salt water reel. It of course has sentimental value and I was looking to restore it and put on my shelf with some other vintage tackle I have amassed over the years. The reel itself has cleaned up very nicely, however the spool
Touch? Craw Peta persons don?t fish anyway. I would love to take them with us on a tuna trip to the far side of the Gulf stream. They wouldn?t be happy. Is Alumilite RC-3 hard enough to just screw hardware into, or are you epoxying? That is the same material from the slip mold tutorial? It will be a huge hit for you as I said. Congrats, James
CRAW!!! That craw is amazing! ( I won't tell anybody, but it looks like you used a real craw ) I?ll take three to start, how about sharing how it works, I didn?t see any lip, does it just bounce along the bottom, suspend, float, what? I would say by the bass attached to it that it works great. Gotta love that craw by Craw. James
Hey T-Bone, I don?t know about glow paint, however you could try and search both the hard bait and wire bait forums. I know that the great Art Brush had started a tutorial using powder some time back. It looked really nice. I wished he would someday finish it. Lapala was working with them to as I remember; I believe he was looking for some questions to be answered as well. You could try and ask them? Here is the thread I mentioned that Art Brush was showing the making of a tutorial. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3291&highlight=Glow+Paint Hope it helps some, James
That's just Awesome... James
Hello Mullet, I am here on the east side of you, the Indian, Banana River, and Mosquito Lagoon. I do not know exactly the legality of it, but do know of guys selling buck tails in the 1/2 to 2 ounce sizes (mainly the red flairs for snook, and the heavier stuff for off shore) in the local bait shops over here? I know many are using the hot lips mold from do-it. I know of a couple of guys who are using what were originally do-it molds modified/customized to their liking? I hope this helps, If you figure out how to master the Devcon in this Florida weather, please share. Right now I am chalking the epoxy up to rookie mistakes. Be careful, I have read and learned much in very a very little time here at TU, I have to say it is very addicting. James
I am with Clemmy on this one. I would love to learn how to modify or altar some baits for the better. I understand that some would prefer not to share, but to all those willing, I would be happy to learn. Thanks in advance, James
Wow, I was sweating it there for a minute. Very glad to see you back up and running. I felt as if I had just found the greatest site only to have it disappear before I could finish my first bait. I was like CrawChuck and was going through withdraws. I also like the looks of the revamped TU. Can't wait to see when it's 100%. Thanks again, James
Thanks Everyone, Your help was greatly appreciated. I found that the cheap plastic fast blast bottles I am using aren?t worth a darn and are causing my problems. The siphon tube in the bottle is splitting around the neck allowing the airbrush to suck air and pulse. When the siphon tube is fitted tight, the gun works perfect. I am just going to have to get some decent bottles and caps. Finally got to lay down some pearl white over my base coat on a couple of baits today, and actually have them turn out as I wanted. Still trying to decide on my color for the backs. Can?t wait for this weekend, very excited to see what?s to come with my new hobby. Thanks again, James
I just new Cheesehead was correct and the compressor was running causing the pulsing. It just sounded right to me. Mixed some paint, loaded up the Airbrush this morning and practiced a little, worked great, paint ran low, switched colors, and BAM!!! Started pulsing? Took the Brush apart cleaned it, ran water, then thinner, and then more water through it, still pulsing, sometimes it even would stop spraying media (paint, water, thinner, windex, etc.) all together. I always had air pressure, and I paid close attention to make sure the air ran through the gun steady and consistent. This is my theory, I am looking for some feedback please. I sat down and played with the airbrush for an hour or so and I think I stumbled across the problem. As I stated, I have the dual action Crescendo 175 airbrush, the paint connects to the bottom side of the airbrush and is siphoned up and through the plastic paint bottle container. This bottle assembly is completely plastic and I am guessing about 4oz in size (approx 4? tall). I noticed that on this bottle assembly that the cap fits nice and snug into the airbrush no problems, however, after removing the plastic straw from the underside of the cap which the paint travels through, the straw no longer fit snug, and would work loose requiring to be reattached. I turned the straw over and shoved the opposite end onto the cap and proceeded to shoot water. It appeared to remedy the pulsing for the moment, but I had no time to continue to tinker with it, I had to get ready for work. I wondering if any of you professionals, experts, :-D feel this could be the root of my problems? Has anyone ever heard of this happening before? I am planning a trip to the local hobby shop to see if I can get a better built set of bottles (smaller too). I looked on line and saw plastic, metal, and glass bottles available. Any recommendations as too what I should look for and get? Hope this is the monster causing my problems. Any thoughts or comments that may help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone for being patient and putting up with my learning curve. Extra thanks to those who replied already. Tight lines everyone, Thanks, James
Hey Jerk, I will keep an eye out for your crank bait while at the marsh. Depending on how long it has been since you lost it, I might practice my paint skills on it before sending back to you. When you get it, try not to laugh too hard! Something that ugly has to catch fish! :-D I haven?t personally been to the Farm in months, planning on a trip to the Gulf Stream next week with some friends from work. The bite was on this past weekend according to the word on the street. Weather hasn?t been that great offshore lately; winds are dying down so I?m itching to go. When I do get out to some fresh water I will be sure to keep an eye out for your plug and give you a report. Thanks, James
Cheesehead, Thanks so much, I feel like such an idiot. In my frustration I was running the airbrush constantly trying to adjust everything to stop the pulse. In retrospect, I bet you are a hundred percent right, the compressor is running thus causing my pulse. With the tank full, I should watch to see if the brush will still pulse. I am betting it wont. But I can?t try until tomorrow, I work second shift at the hospital. I am sure the needle is not bent, and I able to properly dial in any pressure to 125psi through the regulator so I would think the regulator is okay. I however, do not have an inline pneumatic filtration system for water or oil which can build inside the tank. I after most every use open the drain plug and just empty the tank. I just started using the compressor for the airbrush; it has only been attached the two times. I got this compressor new at Christmas in 05 and have only used for a couple of odd jobs around the house. Would you recommend a filtration system for the little hobbyist at home doing a few plugs here and there? If so, who would you recommend? Can I get away with using a compressor like the craftsman? It was my understanding the airbrush compressors were only different in that they were more portable and quieter when running. Am I mistaken? Freak?n Estrogen, causing world problems. Bottom line is I should probably spend less time talking to attractive women, and more time reading how to use your airbrush! Freak?n Estrogen strikes again! :grin: Thanks, James
Hey guys, I have racked my brain, tried what I knew to try, and have read most every post in the hard bait forum, well at least to page, 37 thus far . I thank you for all the post and wisdom shared. Now I could use some advice. After searching every newbie airbrush question, and lecture this is my best guess. I am posting this to see if I am on the right track. If not please someone speak up and let me know. I am using a Crescendo 175, with a Craftsman 3 gal. Air Compressor, 1 hp, Horizontal Tank, I have both ready to use Badger Opaque airbrush paint and hobby acrylics. My problem is this, first time I used the brush it seemed to work fine, a little splattering when I would adjust the consistency of paint, or play with the pressure. After practicing, I cleaned it and put it away. Now today, I get back out; mix some paint and the brush won?t spray consistent. It pulses, I thought it was clogged, so apart it came, cleaned it, and still would pulse, so I figure the paint is to thick, thin it with water, and it pulsed thinned some more, still pulsing. Okay, I jack the pressure up, and run straight water through it, it blows, but not in a steady stream? It even pulses with just water running through . So back to the forum and re-reading prior post I go. The best I figure, is that I am missing something when I clean it, and maybe using too much pressure to paint? I started out using 20psi and went as high as 80 trying to get it to shoot steady. I am guessing I was going the wrong direction with the pressure. With just water, I should try and turn down the pressure to 10 or 15psi? Also Kellure suggested in a post to buy an ultrasonic cleaner? I will try again tomorrow hopefully with better results. Any suggestions or insight will be much appreciated. I don?t expect to be freaking Picasso like the resident TU icons here in this forum! :-D It just is frustrating when $2 rattle cans spray better than my current set up. I am ready for the newbie and novice jokes at my expense, please; a good laugh would help my mood. Thanks, James
I sure do appreciate everyone?s hospitality. Have much to learn. I will be spending a majority of my time I think in the Hard Baits forum because of what I am trying to do at the moment. But how you can not peek in on what the other boards are talking about is beyond me. Nova, your post had me rolling . My studies are definitely going to suffer. I told the other board I was thinking of changing my major already. Well here is to handing in assignments paint smudges. Hope everyone has a great weekend. James
Wow, I can?t thank you guys enough already? I wish this class was offered at the University, I would maybe change majors, he he he . Blades, I like the idea of the Krylon base coat for prep, however this raises a couple of questions for me. I most always harvest plastics from my dives and the majority of questions will concern these styles of baits. Some baits as you know appear to have flash within the plastic. If I was interested in preserving this, could I lay down Krylon clear to watch for cracking, then just paint the head, back, and belly? Or would you stick to the white base coat and try to adhere some flash over that? Second, the lip on most is clear, so do you mask this off, or just paint? I ask because when I finally feel I have a bait worth trying to topcoat, I was unsure if I should go over the entire bait or top coat around the lip? I will be starting out with pre-manufactured bait bodies where the lip is not removable. Tally, I thank you for pointing me towards the search feature in your post. When I initially found the site I never even saw it. As soon as I found the forums I just started reading and tried to absorb as much as I could. I thought I had hit the lottery or something. I will try not to ask to many of the same redundant old questions you guys get from newbie?s like myself with out searching first. My garage already looks like a fishing / tackle shrine as it is :-D , but now I am planning on building a small drying wheel and paint table on casters. Looking forward to getting serious, I am bit of perfectionist as I guess most of you are too, so be prepared for a rant or two in the future. Thanks again to everyone, James
Hello Everyone, I have to say, I have found a new home? I just signed up, I have been reading this site all night and can?t says thanks enough to all those who post tips, tricks, and techniques. I have noticed that most members seem to be from up north, and hope you all will take it easy on me as I become more familiar with all of you. My name is James, I am from Melbourne, Florida about 20-30 minutes south of the Cape where the Shuttle is launched, or 45 minutes to 1 hour southeast of Orlando on the coast. I found this site looking for hardware to repair some of my tackle. I have a hobby of diving some very popular, very heavily fished areas to collect tackle to feed my fishing habit. It is a very bad habit, and I should probably get some help. Oh well, I am a poor Med student, so this how I afford to fish as much as I do, plus my friends and buddies stay supplied in plugs as well. This makes me sort of popular I guess, I wish it made me more popular with the ladies . A lot of the Hardbaits, Jigs, and Bucktails are good to go, yet I have many which are in need of paintjobs, and clear coats. I can change snap rings and hooks with the best of them, but I am just getting in to trying to paint and coat those plugs to ugly to throw. I have tried spray paint (rattle cans I think some of you are calling them) but I hated the results, some okay, but most my 5 yr old nephew could have done better. I have a dual action airbrush new in the box, won it years ago in a art contest but never learned how to use it. After seeing the amazing art you all produce, I would be afraid to fish some them; I am inspired to give it a try myself. I ask from all of you to please share any info or starters for a beginner in how to best repaint and protect hard plastic lures that I have collected from my dives. I posted a copy in the Custom Tackle Hard Bait forum; I thought it would be most appropriate there. However, I wanted to say hello to everyone and this forum appeared to be most active. Again thank you and I sorry for the long winded post. James T.
Hello Everyone, I have to say, I have found a new home? I just signed up, I have been reading this site all night and can?t says thanks enough to all those who post tips, tricks, and techniques. I have noticed that most members seem to be from up north, and hope you all will take it easy on me as I become more familiar with all of you. My name is James, I am from Melbourne, Florida about 20-30 minutes south of the Cape where the Shuttle is launched, or 45 minutes to 1 hour southeast of Orlando on the coast. I found this site looking for hardware to repair some of my tackle. I have a hobby of diving some very popular, very heavily fished areas to collect tackle to feed my fishing habit. It is a very bad habit, and I should probably get some help. Oh well, I am a poor Med student, so this how I afford to fish as much as I do, plus my friends and buddies stay supplied in plugs as well . This makes me sort of popular I guess, I wish it made me more popular with the ladies :-D . A lot of the Hardbaits, Jigs, and Bucktails are good to go, yet I have many which are in need of paintjobs, and clear coats. I can change snap rings and hooks with the best of them, but I am just getting in to trying to paint and coat those plugs to ugly to throw. I have tried spray paint (rattle cans I think some of you are calling them) but I hated the results, some okay, but most my 5 yr old nephew could have done better. I have a dual action airbrush new in the box, won it years ago in a art contest but never learned how to use it. After seeing the amazing art you all produce, I would be afraid to fish some them ; I am inspired to give it a try myself. I ask from all of you to please share any info or starters for a beginner in how to best repaint and protect hard plastic lures that I have collected from my dives. Again thank you and I sorry for the long winded post. James T.