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Everything posted by hotrodharley

  1. Thanks..I have some leather welding gloves and face shield which would probably come in handy.I've read that the smallest bit of moisture can be problems.
  2. Harbor Freight has a small Central Pneumatic compressor for $70 but I have a Porter-Cable pancake style already for my air tools.I'm not familar with the Central Pneumatic,which one of the 2 would be better to use for airbrushing? Thanks
  3. I'm just starting out making lures and alot of my questions have already been answered by searching here.This site has a wealth of information.I dont plan on getting started until I have everything.I plan on pouring split-shot,buzzbaits and spinnerbaits.Will a Hot Pot-2 be adequate or should I use a lead pot and ladle over a propane stove?Also for the split-shot mold I see there is a blade I can buy.Does anyone know what this is for or is it for trimming excess lead? I also plan on painting crankbaits and just bought a Badger Anthem 155.Should I buy more than 1 gun?I have plans to make a work station/booth and a rotisserie dryer.What are the little things I might need to make things easier and for my shop set-up(paper towels,plastic bottles,etc)
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