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Everything posted by bassmaster1

  1. bassmaster1

    slammer look-alike

    bad paint, but pretty decent replica
  2. Ive made a lipless swimbait and was wondering what makes them swim the "s" shape? Also, where would the best place to put the weight, its a 2 section with a tail that will not be weighted, very small..thanks for any replies. Aaron
  3. i am making a 9" single joint swimbait similar to the MS Slammer. i was just wondering what size thru wire i should use? im leaving for the hardware store in half an hour, so please try to hurry lol:) aaron
  4. Got my first crankbait made last night. the finished one is a about 2 1/2 inches and the not finished one is 3 inches. The 2 1/2 incher has a shad type paintjob with a red belly. The 3 incher will be about the same paintjob, but hopefully better. I messed up on a few parts, but i think it turned out pretty good for my first one. I do have one question, how do you get the lip slot so perfect? I can't get it that good yet. so,tell me what you think about them. thanks, aaron http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/nhoman27/100_0713.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a310/nhoman27/100_0716.jpg
  5. Thanks alot, i will try that. I was also wondering how do you get the lip slot so perfect? I have'nt been able to get it really good. thanks, aaron
  6. I just started making balsa crankbaits, and almost have my first one done. All i have to do is put on the finishing epoxy, but when painting i put tape on the lip and had a hard time getting it off after painting. I was wondering if you put a special type of tape on or what kind you use and how you put it on. I will post pics of my first 2 when they are done, probably in about 3 or 4 days. Thanks, Aaron
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