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Everything posted by OHBAITMKER

  1. United States Plastic Corp 1.800.537.9724 www.USPLASTIC.COM sell plastic die cutting material Jim
  2. Here are the pic's. Arbor press 39.95 Razor Blades 9.99 Set screws, die mat, alum. iI had laying around
  3. Have had trouble with the digital camera. Bought a new one today and will try to to post Pic monday evening. Jim
  4. Was going to post this in home brew tools but decided to post in plastics due to it would be used by guys in this form. Hope thats ok with everybody. I have been pouring out a flipping bait that requires the tail to be split like a tube. Have worked for months trying to come up with a fast and dependable way to cut. First I tried machining a alum. block out and locking razor blades in with set screws , worked ok but very time consuming:( . Next I tried making a roller assembly with 1" diameter round razor blades. Cut ok, but the bait wanted to roll up as it was cut, if I pulled he cutter it would break off the tails that I was trying to cut:( . At last I have finished my 3rd try. I used a arbor press 1/2 ton ( bought from harbor freight) , machined a alum. block to fit the squre shank of the press, secured with set screws, Incerted utility knife blades on the other side, cut old plano 3600 spacers down to fit in between the razor blades, secured spacers and razor blade with set screws. removed rotary base from arbor press and installed 3/4 pine with machine die pad on top. This works great:) . The die pad is a rubber compound that lets the razor blade pentrate slightly so the blades go all the way through the bait. Cuts tails .040 wide and the length of the blade . Can cut 5-7 baits a min. I can e-mail pics to anyone that is interested. I haven't figured out how to post pics yet on TU. Try to contribute and pay back for all the information that I have gained here. Jim
  5. Saint308 I stand corrected. Went out to the barn and rechecked They do weight 11 grams. Was thinking of my crankbait belly weight. Only took 3 months to find that and it is engraved in by brain. Thank you Jim
  6. Gentlemen, Thank you for all the replies and information. I wasn't remelting the caps. Fist time using a 2 piece mold and just plain forgot. Tried angain after work today and come up with 24 total. Sounds like i need mor salt. Saint308 i have weighed them and they weigh 4 grams each, or 3.5 dwt on my digital scale. Will try more salt next time and see if the count goes up. Also I need to correct the size Del's mold is 5 1/4 inches. Is pounded salt bad to use? Table salt seems to sink and not suspend in the plastic. Thanks everyone Jim
  7. Just recieved Del's 5" stick mold yesterday. Have been pouring for several hrs trying to come up with a good reciepe. So far I have tried Watermelom 8oz plastic 16 drops LC watermelon 1/2 tsp black flake .015 1/2 tsp. copper .015 1 cap heat stablizer 3 tbs, powered salt flake salt ground in blender. This is yielding 18 5" sticks per batch. Is this about right amount? Tested in water and sinks very close to a Senko. Figured cost is about .10 per stick. How does this measure up with what other members have found. Can't wait to try some , but most all the water is solid here in Ohio. Thank you in advance for any advice or coments. PS. Del your mold is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Does anybody ever use fiberglass resin molds? I have made some and they seem to work well. I have read most posts over the last few months and never see fiberglass resin talked about.
  9. Dave, I use a container such as a pie or cake pan sized to the bait size and the amount of cavities, glue the masters down to the bottom with silicone, mix fiberglass resin and pour in. Let set for 24-48 hrs and pop out of the pan. Then remove masters and touch up with dremel tool. Good luck
  10. I have Tried Gm GMS Silicone. Let Dry 24 Hrs And It WIll Hold The Baits Down To The pan. GMS Can Be Bought At Any GM Dealer. Good Luck
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