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Everything posted by dampeoples

  1. He'll be back to link his posts in the gallery Then yell at me for typing that
  2. dampeoples


    Seems they would have sent a price sheet! I would like to know more about the service and prices if any of you guys use these folks. Not disputing lilcraw at all, variety is good, though.
  3. dampeoples


    You didn't check prices before you asked for samples?
  4. I've not seen much discussion on traps, I would think the problems would come from it being so thin, and making it rattle. The bibs from Stamina are HUGE. That outfit in Canada has some, Luremaking.com, maybe? They're a smaller size, but pretty costly.
  5. Yes, you'll need the retarder, or it will come out in strings. Also, buy more thinner than you think you'll need, I've heard a lot of people claim that MEK or something will clean it up, it will NOT. I've tried laquer thinner, MEK, turpentime, and mineral spirits, and none of it works, save for the stuff they sell. I'm sure it can be bought somewhere else, I just do not know what it is. The stuff dries out pretty quickly too, you can revive it with thinner a few times, though.
  6. Either there or an automotive store, although I think the home center will allow you to get specific springs, I've only seen them in automotie stores in a variety pack.
  7. For that LC sells a mold, it's just got a flat side, though. I've not used one as anything but a trailer, where a hollow inside wouldn't mean much to me, though.
  8. Couldn't you take the idea from the tube mold like Del sells, and kind of make it like that? No sure how that would work in POP, though.
  9. I'm pretty sure Worth sells in large quantities, and will require a tax ID to sell to you, where Jann's will sell to anyone, at retail. Although I've not actually looked at what you're referring to, no links
  10. There was a 'newbie' thread in the soft plastic forum, but most of the links are broken, if not all, unfortunately.
  11. Yeah, It looks as if LC has a mold like that, and i'm gonna have to agree, I think it's just the curl naturally making it want to spring out. This place has Berkley clearance stuff, they might have some if you can't find a suitable mold. http://www.ffo-tackle.com/
  12. dampeoples

    Website Help

    it just struck me as strange, still using Jaguar I thought it might be his server name, which doesn't mean anythign to us. If it's for Mac, I'm gonna have to recommend Cyberduck, it should be listed on VT like LLSinbad mentioned. I hear there are better apps, but there are none cheaper! Get your ducks in a row, find out the basic, pertinent info, then get in touch with someone that can help you further, but be sure and have everything handy already, such as ftp apps, files, passwords for you to log in, etc, to make it easier on everyone!
  13. They make that stuff with smell already, i've even seen guys add there own scent to it, and call it something different, or is this a completely new thing?
  14. The splatter is more than likely paint drying on the tip of the brush. I'm not sure what binder-reducer is, but have you tried any retarder? It's job is to prolong the drying of the paint, which is a cause of splattering.
  15. The DN jar is glass with a screw top, what I have a problem with is the paint cans. The seal isn't the problem, keeping the stuff out of the threads or out of the little ridge on the can is the problem!
  16. I am not real familiar with the vinyl paint they sell, but the general concensus around here from personal experience and reading around - cured powder paint is the way to go for lead stuff, as it melts and bonds to the lead surface, where the vinyl is just put there, so to speak. As for the primer - I assume it's anothr type of paint than the vinyl?
  17. Yeah, now I gotta buy another brush! For reference, that's what the tech support guy told me the other day when I put a call into them for a problem. They ae very helpful people, the guy even waited patiently while I found the lost part I was sitting on
  18. dampeoples


    I was gonna ask the same thing! It seems that those are out of stock? Is this a normal thing with them, or are they just starting out, and getting things worked out?
  19. I've brought some back by adding the thinner to it, but have not added any more since, and all the bottles are dry again. It did work the first time, but this stuff seems to cure no matter what, I think if I plan to use it, I need to use hte bottle up!
  20. I've got a HP-B+ as well, as per Bob's recommendation. I am, however, seriously considering the brush Marty uses as a spare/workhorse rig, due to the water based paint I use. It's good paint, but that needle is awfully small, and if the little larger nozzle will help with the aggravation of the tip clogging, i'm all for it!
  21. dampeoples

    Website Help

    D.J. - What host do you use? Is jaguar the name? Most decent hosts have something called fantastico that does the heavy lifting for you.
  22. I have a feeling you and I are thinking on the same lines. I wouldn't want to swap if everyone sent out sticks, frogs and trick worms. Hell, I can go do that myself. What I would like to see is unique stuff, the likes of Al's work, the friendly competition type stuff that Jim and Nil do, the stuff One Sock posts in the gallery, etc. (I can't type everyone, but everyone is included). That being said, I can't pour straight down the hole most of the time, but I do have a mold or two most don't have. I would want everyone that got my stuff to say wow, that's a nice pour/mold/try!/something.
  23. Dean, here is some info on that stuff: Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Seems we both had the times wrong, but yes, it's a silly amount of time to cure something!
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