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Everything posted by dampeoples

  1. The heater mght be a problem, I dunno. It's a moisture cured poly, and I don't claim to understand that, but heat kind of sucks moisture up, might be counterproductve. After I dip it, I spin it until I think about it again, then set it on a shelf overnight, get it the next day or so after work, so I personally let them sit for 20 hours or so. The stuff continues to cure for the next 30 days, and i've noticed that if I bang stuff off rocks the first time out, only a few days after coating, it's more fragile, but the longer it sits, the better off it is.
  2. i dunno if rotatign by hand is ok or not, since it dries quickly, and it's dipped, so it's thicker, you;ll need to be exta careful with it. Try a run brushing it on, see if you get better results
  3. Did you rotate it after dipping it? You'll only need to rotate 10-15 minutes or so.
  4. I would think that the key would be a smaller glitter, one that would suspend well if in a fluid bed, and not settle to the botto quickly if dipped.
  5. And Vodkaman Who's not a man at all, but a walking computer
  6. So wouldn't that be a question for House of Kolor then? Live a little, buy a kit, screw something up a time or two, heck, read the directions!
  7. Hell, just eat it, that way you won't have to look at it and think how you killed it all the time
  8. Reread Dwain's post, if they have eye sockets, no.
  9. Love checking out your modified replicas!
  10. Ghost, what host are you using? Most hosts use something called Fantastico that will do the heavy lifting for you, all you have to do is go in and configure it. I'm using Dreamhost, and while they don't have Fantastico, they have their own version, it works. Make sure you know what you want before you purchase hosting.
  11. In order, from the one's I've used: Lurecraft, Jann's, Barlow's, Stamina
  12. Well, for a first timer, why dont' you brush it on? From what I can see, most folks that use it here do just that. No prep time, grab a brush and go, either toss it when done, or clean it in acetone. Dipping is just that, dunk it in there, pull it out, let it drip on the ground (my shed has a dirt floor), spin it for a few minutes and go. I dip because I think it gives a heavier coat, not checked or anything, it just gives me a bit of confidence in it, so that's how I roll.
  13. If you have any question, you might do better to get a $10 single action brush from a craft store. That way if it damages anything, you're not out anything! I got one intending to try it, just not gotten around to it yet, I'm pretty happy with dipping for now!
  14. dampeoples

    Crinkle Cut Worm

    5.5" long, cut like a french fry, tail rotated so it doesn't spin on retrieve, and a really fat head so shakey head screw locks don't eat it up.
  15. If you can find a mold for it, that little basic ringworm with a tiny tail is just an awesome worm.
  16. I use LC, have tried two other brands and hated them, but have yet to try MF, I don't have any problems with LC at all, so I see no need to switch. Plus you won't find better customer service than Kim
  17. dampeoples

    Clown Swimbaits....

    A clown pouring clown! Nice job Jim!!
  18. To be fair to all, I generally ask for samples when placing an order.
  19. I dunno, but I've never had a problem getting a sample from the places I buy molds from.
  20. Someone would have a lot better chance helping you if you included a picture and or name of the bait!!
  21. Paint that appears one color straight on, but another when the angle is changed.
  22. Thanks for that. I remember Dick's acetone vs. laquer thinner analogy to a hot dog too
  23. Del won't send you one?
  24. Jann's sells little boxes that are designed for stuff like that, like a clamshell, different sizes, they might even have a hang tab.
  25. Nice!! Hope you get many, many years out of it. I really enjoyed doing mine, hell, it prompted a good portion of my club to do theirs as well
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