The difference in someone saying something nice about a company and saying something bad are that often the bad is skewed to make the retail outlet out to be the bad guy. It often turns out, from the original posters own mouth, that they are the one to blame for dropping the ball. We're not all dumb rednecks, so most of us can read and see the backpedaling that happens from the original poster.
In this case, the original poster was happy with the service, said they didn't get a few things, and was OK with it, they didn't feel the need to bring other companies that had absolutely nothing to do with it into the picture. Perhaps if he needed those things that were left out, he would have been mad, and his post would have gone a different direction, but not so.
I just like to stand around and point out the differences in posts like that, it's my nature to call a spade a spade.
Oh, and Ted is a good guy, whoever screwed him over can kiss MY ass.