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Everything posted by dampeoples

  1. I thought it might be a frog with you holding it's mouth open! Next time i'm in Wal-Mart, I plan to look for it, we've got a 'ghetto'-Mart here, nothing is in it's place, I just go to Target
  2. Dave, that's great, got a chance to read that last spot once it made it online, that's killer for you guys to get the face time. I've gotta ask though, What the hell is your avatar
  3. Both Stamina and Jann's have such a chart on their site
  4. Red is supposed to disappear at a certain depth, 6 or 9 ft. maybe? I don't buy into it, but I'd say it's the advertising, for sure.
  5. I'm gonn have to disagree with the dipping, that's how I coat everything, from crankbaits to jigs, and don't have a problem with it setting up, but then again, maybe I got a special jar I have a dirt floor in my shed, and when I pull the bait out of the can of DN, very lttle drips back in, I hold it over the 'floor', maybe that helps, I dunno. Putting the lid back on - I'm not too clean with that, I hammer it back on, to the poit now that my can is disfigured, and then set a lawnmower battery on top of the can, until the stuff seals again, taking care of the irregularties. It's ugly, but I still have my Lurecoat
  6. Well, if you're willing to jump through hoops, and spend a lot of time wheeling, dealing and searching, you can get just about anything for nothing. Most of us don't have the time, and don't mind paying others for their work. Bob will sell you a 5" stick mold for $65, you can get what, $4/bag for sticks? It's a viable option, though, if you have all those resources at hand.
  7. I left some outside once, and it thickened up quite a bit, it also changed colors slightly. This was in a jar that I had poured some extra in, so it was only a little bit and I didn't continue to use it, so I can't help you there! I did bring it back inside, and checked it a day or so later, it seemed to thin out a bit, but I never opened it again, I don't think the color ever went away. I buy it in pints, and have been using it, then hammering the lid back on, for a month or two now, then bring it back inside, it's just as thin as it was when I got it, so I don't think the container matters. Of interest, I couldn't get the top off of a 2oz jar once, so I got ticked and poked a hole in the top, then dipped a bait in there as usual. It took four days to develop a film like this, must have been the way the air couldn't get in the hole in the top!
  8. dampeoples

    Yellow Craw

    Looks killer, like you used a crosstitch pattern to make the detail
  9. eBay is full of people who'll work for free. Look at it as a way to drive people to your website, as opposed to a way to make money. Kind of like a loss leader. You lose, then lead folks to your site to hopefully purchase direct.
  10. What are you cooking in? Double check your temp settings with a thermometer. My toaster oven needs to be set on 225 or so for 350, for instance
  11. That's not a bad idea, could do a few states, possibly.
  12. dampeoples


    Thanks! I'll drop one in your mold box, Sonny
  13. They're not pure lead, but it works, long as your stuff isn't too detailed or small, got a few boxes of those. I also get some lead from a plumber buddy, he takes it out of something, works great. I once bought some lead on eBay, already melted into ingots, worked out to a little less than $1/lb after shipping, not the best deal in the world, but it was convienent until my plumber buddy replineshed my stock
  14. NP, been using them for a long time, built up quite a collection of stuff for my N65 I've gotten out of photography, sad to say, last project I did was a Polariod Image transfer, got an old slide copier and all, it just sits here now
  15. Bobby mentioned the main thing, stir it slowly, and carefully apply it to reduce the amount of bubbles from the start. Can't seem to remember off the top of my head (I rarely use epoxy anymore), if an actual stirring motion, or a kind of 'lumping' motion produces less. Mixing and applying the epoxy in a 70* (or so) environment will help as well, it will be thinner (the warmer it is), and easier to apply and mix.
  16. dampeoples


    Some spinnerbaits
  17. dampeoples


    Some spinnerbaits
  18. dampeoples

    Various Hardbaits

    He does excellent work, I won the '73 Classic on one of his designs
  19. dampeoples

    Various Hardbaits

    Finally got my grubby hands on one of these, oh boy!
  20. dampeoples


    It's not foil! Still can't make a decent wood bait, so I practice painting on plastic bodies
  21. dampeoples


    Thanks! yeah, had to search high and low for a comb too, funny how things get harder to find!
  22. Sam, try these folks out: http://www.camerafilters.com/ Excellent post BTW
  23. The BPS pot is for lead, with a higher temp range. You use it like a lead pot, pull the handle for a flow, drop it back to shut it off. On a mold, you would pull it at the start, then move the mold along as it filled.
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