Hi Saltyross
Please dont think I'm being a smart **se here but try less hair in each bunch, it is an easy temptation to overdoo bucktail as it is a very heavy hair and you dont need a lot. Also use very high quality hair, the best you can get as this will be straighter and have less tendancy to flare. Bruce is right here get yourself some kevlar tying thread, you cannot break this thread and although high in diameter you only need 2 turns per bunch of hair. Let the hair spin round the shank with the first turn of thread and then lock it in place with the second turn. One of the beauties of bucktail is it is a fast tie. Here is an idea which works well, when you get near to the last wrap, tie in 3 or 4 sword tips from a genetic cape, it really finishes off the bucktail nicely, I don't know if it makes any difference to the fish but it looks the part .