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About dawson06

  • Birthday 06/25/1966

dawson06's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just finished drilling and tapping my first Presto Pot. I went with a 1/4" valve and put it on the bottom just outside of the heating element.
  2. I'd be willing to split the costs on custom molds (spinner & buzz) if anyone is game.
  3. I worry that the hitch hiker will nick my line when it is attached to the eye of the hook. It hasn't happened yet, but I think it is only a matter of time....
  4. Hey Jim, Were the trick worms I bought from you last month made from the Del mold? I really like the action on them (but, I am a big fan of the Roboworm finess stuff) for drop-shot and split-shot. Sorry for the hijack. James
  5. http://www.shawncollinscustoms.com
  6. Bama, what did you use for the membrane for the bottom of the cup?
  7. Since I'm just starting out, I don't have a lot of molds (only 1 of each type), I was trying to figure out a way to do multi-colored pours without cooking and then reheating plastic a bunch of times. My initial thought, based on searching some of the old posts, was to cook the plastic in the microwave and then divide it up into the pouring cups and then adding color to the plastic in the pots and then putting them on a hotplate or electric griddle to keep them warm. Now I am thinking I might be better off heating a cup of plastic (with salt and softener) in the microwave and then divide it into smaller Pyrex cups and then add the colorings, glitters and scent to the smaller batches. Then I can just put the plastic back into the microwave to reheat it (this the method earthworm77 recommends in his e-book). Any input on either of the methods would be greatly appreciated! Also, if I use the second method, how long will the plastic remain at a "pourable temp" before I have to reheat it? How many times can I reheat it with the color, glitter, and scent mixed in before I run into problems? Can I use an electric griddle to maintain the temperature of the plastic in the Pyrex cup after it has been heated in the microwave? Finally, I just want to say that I really appreciate the knowledge that you guys share with us newbies. Thanks again, James
  8. Thanks for the information. I really appreciate the knowledge that you guys share with us newbies.
  9. I am wondering if you guys think that these things are helpful for a beginner. I am planning to use the Pyrex / Microwave technique for heating the plastic and then transferring the plastic to the pouring cup for filling my molds. Is the extra step worth the effort? What is the difference between the two pouring cups? The part numbers are 2x102A (10% discount if you order 5) and 2x102B (no discount). Does anyone have a picture that they can post so I can get an idea of the size of the cups? Thanks, James
  10. I used super glue and a metal baking pan (check the dollar stores). I bought the super glue bottle that comes with a brush. In my opinion, the brush makes the process much easier. When I pulled out the Durham's mold, the baits were still firmly glued to the bottom of the pan.
  11. Bob's frog molds are excellent. I ordered a couple of bags of frogs from Jim at www.ghostbaits.com. The mold makes a very nice bait (Jim is a true artist). I also bought some of the BUGx and BUGz Beaver style baits. Again, I was very impressed with both the quality of the bait and with Jim's colors. As soon as Bob's Tackle Shack comes back online, I am going to order the frog mold and the beaver style molds. Happy New Year James
  12. I agree. My 10 year old daughter was totally anti-fishing thanks to Finding Nemo. That is until she went fishing for the first time this summer. Put your rod down for a day and spend the time teaching someone to fish. We have to get the next generation out on the water and in the field. There is no better ad campain then getting your kids (and your neighbor's kids) out on the water. Just my .02 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, James
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