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Everything posted by bigbass14.3

  1. Make one from sheet metal, and spot weld a bottom to it you can also put a top side across the sides with the middle open this works best with 14Ga metal a duct shop can make it this works on a hot plate really good!!
  2. how much worm oil is needed to keep baits slick without being to slick I have laminated bags but don't want to use too much just enough to keep them slick
  3. Hey guys, Don't get me wrong I have lots of scents I use for bass and walleye ( for walleye I prefer Banana ) This was just something that came to mind while I was pondering what someone said about deer hunting it goes like this: You should not GO in the woods cause a deer can smell you and it will scare him!!! Now I don't believe a deer can tell the difference in mine and every other animal in the woods maybe it does smell different but I'm not convinced the deer scent in the bottle smells the same as a hot doe that just went by one hour ago. My father has killed great #'s of big bucks and he smokes on his stand does not use uv products or anything just plain old good scouting. But I am all for scents in fishing especiall in winter with craw scent. Thanks for all info. and thoughts Jason
  4. Ok guys here is the question now think hard before answering: Have you ever noticed that most fisherman beleive that the stronger a scent smells to us the better it must work? Now before answering the following question ponder this - When was the last ime you used your favorite scent on your baits or opened a bag of berkly baits only to have your buddy grimmis at the smell. Now for the question Does more smell equal more fish? Have you ever held up a shad or crawfish and been able to smell it form the back of the boat? So is stronger and smellier better? I often wonder about this the reason is we know deer can smell ten times better as can dogs so when was the last time you went hunting and was able to smell a deer walking in the woods? Just a thought. please give thoughts. Jason
  5. do you have anymore molds like these you are going to sell if so will you please let me know this is great . also love your baits.
  6. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE BASS8BAITS HAD THE TWO PIECE ALUMINUM MOLD MADE ,I bought one off ebay from him and love it would like to find another in a larger size. JASON
  7. Walter, go to A.C. moore in lynchburg and get it it is 4.00 for 8lbs that is the best price around here. Jason
  8. I have made a mold from pop and am able to pour a bit with a white belly and a different color back also, it is fairly easy to do here are the steps: 1 make a mold using a knife like del said insert it into a bait and mold one side leaving the knife in the bait. 2 let this one set all the way up also remember to put in your pouring spouts, one at the nose of the bait and one at the back of the bait. ( the reason for two spouts is if you want a multi color bait plug the nose spout with plastic plug and pour through the back spout this way the bait fills the belly first and then so on with other colors, if just one color pour through the nose plugging the back.) 3 after the first side sets up pour the next side makeing sure mixture is a little thinner as not to bend the thin tail, remember that the knife has to stay in the bait, to make a insert for it when your pour. 4 after this sets seperate easily and seal NOW GO POUR THIS WORKS GREAT!!!!! Hope this helps Jason
  9. Del, Would you mind showing a pic of the knife used to dip and a bait that you did, I don't know about others but sometimes a pic tells me more. Jason
  10. I would also like some send me a price please. Jason
  11. Does anyone have any swimbait molds ( pop or other) they are willing to part with, I am lookining for some 5" or bigger . I Heard Del is working on the bass trix type mold but I have not seen one on the site yet. Thank you Jason
  12. Jim , What kind of aluminum would you need for a insert , I work for a sheet metal company, and we have lots of scrap .
  13. Del, How much for the 5" and 6" mold would like to get one. Jason
  14. Heard AL 's Worms is going out of business was wondering if this is true? and why?
  15. I would be interested in some. Jason
  16. I can't find bob's tackle shack on the web , can someone give me a number or has his site moved? Any help Thanks Jason
  17. Does anyone know if someone makes a lizard the style of zooms Mag lizard in aluminum. Jason
  18. Does anyone have a pic of dels grey colorant, I am wondering what it looks like? Jason
  19. Does anyone have some info on this lake , I have a close friend fishing this lake in August at the FLW championship and really need to know what to fish and possibly where but any info would be great, Any info on guides or someone to fish with to get to know this lake. Jason
  20. Well guys , This event is for kids from ages 1 to 13 open to the public, I am putting together tackle packs for the kids, the Virginia Department of game and fish is giving us 25 rod and reels to use, this event is to help get children interested in fishing, we are providing all bait tackle and food we have sponsors such as Utz potatoe chip company, upper hand scents, pepsi, and the TBF ( tournament bass fishing asscotiation ) in which I am the region 2 tournament director aswell as youth director, I am going to make some baits for these kids and give them some , they don't need much just something to start with. The event is June 2, if you do have something anything you are not using lures , line, company appearal anything I am interested remeber this is for the kids they are fishings future lets help them. if interested you can pm me also anyone who sends some thing gets advertisement in the tbf magazine. Jason
  21. Hey Guys, Was wondering if any of you have some baits laying around you do not want, My Bass federation is putting on a childrens fshing event and I am putting together some tackle for the kids, upperhand scents is sponsoring this event, I was wondering if anyone had any unwanted baits to give if so let me know the event is scheduled for June 2 , Thanks for your time. Jason Jennings
  22. Hey guys , How do you go about figuring a price for your baits, for which you intend to sell I have more and more asking to buy them but I have no idea how to figure a price could you please tell me how yall do this. Thanks Again for all your help. Jason:huh:
  23. saint, I have some white baits with flake will take pics for you and send to you, I think the best white colorant is LC, also netcraft has small bottles of liquid silver pearl and pearlescent they work great, best flake is blue flake in a white frog , black and blue in sinko's. hope this helps Jason
  24. here is one of the worms, will try to get the others back. Jason
  25. sorry guys will try to fix. Jason
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