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About Saffie

  • Birthday 06/27/1975

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  1. I like that idea. Thanks Mark. Just got some of the AC1315 and really like it for dipping. Been using Dick Nite's for years and the new clear brings new things to learn.
  2. Thanks for the advise. I have been using the DK clear in cups with a brush. Started using the dip method recenlty with Concrete sealer and was not sure how to add glitter to the baits.
  3. For the guys that dip your baits to clear coat them, how do you add glitter to your baits. Do you have a jar with glitter and clear in it already? Thanks for the help.
  4. Dave, would love to have a copy of your calculator. Thanks for sharing. desmondowen@yahoo.com
  5. Found this link on YouTube. Very interesting to see how the SK baits are made https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DW3xvlKR778Q&ved=0ahUKEwiH8fzYstTQAhVr9YMKHaxTArIQwqsBCCMwAw&usg=AFQjCNESlbMjE2VVAoi2ap3r3YrnuDtHvA
  6. Thanks everyone. I think the rootbeer would probably come close. I had a look at one of these baits and that was my thought as well.
  7. I don't have a picture, but here is a link to one that is for sale on Ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/160701752389?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2648
  8. Has anyone ever tried painting this color called muddy pup on a crankbait. It is color that rebel did in the wee r series.
  9. Saffie

    100 7850

    Thanks Thundercat. I will give this a try.
  10. Saffie

    100 7850

    These look fantastic. Where do you get your foil from. I have used foil from Jones Tones, but my baits did not come out as well.
  11. Check out the hard bait cookbook. The root beer mix in there looks pretty good.
  12. This is probably not new, but I have used Lexan and cut it into a tail fin shape. Then I used an exacto knife to score the lexan on both sides. Next I used some black createx and it rubbed over the scored lexan, use a clean cloth to wipe off excess paint. This leaves paint in the score marks and it looks like the veins in a fin. Dip it in some DN to waterproof and you are good to go.
  13. Thanks John,That is the lure. The one I made does not have the cupped side, but still works pretty well. I had to flatten it out so it would fit in my Shakey head mold. I will try to get some video of the action posted. Looks pretty good coming through the water. Thnaks again for the pic. Cheers, Desmond
  14. Saffie

    "Wiggly Crawler" - bladed jig

    Bladed jig head. Have a description of how to build in the wire bait forum.
  15. Well I went ahead and made one. Used an Indiana style blade, Gamakatsu spinnerbait hook and my Shekey head jig mold for the head. I flatened out the blade and threaded the hook through the hole in the blade. The flat blade and hook actually fit in the mold pretty well. I then just poured the molten lead on either side of the blade to pour the head. Took a couple of tries to get it to our just right. The head was still a little loose on the blade, but I used some solder and a coat of powder paint to cure that. I will post some pictures on the Gallery page.
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