Hi Guys/Gals
My name is jim/married/52/self employed electrician/live in union ont about 2hr from detroit mich and 5min from lake erie. Really love muskie fishing then jumbo perch, bass, waleye,and trout pretty much in that order. Have been a member for awhile before the crash at anyrate.Have not given anything in return for the vast amount of info i,ve received from you guys,the time, knowledge and advice you guys put in to this site is just amazing.Thanks to you i,m ready to dive in to this hobby with both feet and with a little confidence to boot.Contributing to this site is not that easy for a lowly apprentice as myself you masters usually have a problem solved or a question answered before i can figure out what was asked.However you can bet your rusty hooks that if and when i can i,ll be there to help and contribute to this site.Thank You