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Everything posted by Dweller

  1. Dweller

    Feed Back

    I would like any feedback on these baits?
  2. Dweller

    Feed Back

    I would like any feedback on these baits?
  3. Dweller

    Feed Back

    I would like any feedback on these baits?
  4. I am building my own balsa wood baits. I use one coat of sanding sealer followed by one caot of 2-ton then base coat with Createx opaque white. I have heard alot of people having trouble with the water based paints sticking to the 2-ton. What could I use beside the white Createx as a base coat then follow with the Createx Piants? What would stick the best?
  5. How bad are the fumes for Testor & Model Master Paints? What do you thin it with?
  6. Does anyone have trouble using a #1 needle with Cretex paint? I have a paasche VL #3 seem to do pretty good but I get to much over spray. Anyone have any suggestions? Can I get the paint to thin?
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