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yankee jigger

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Everything posted by yankee jigger

  1. Crap!!!!!!! What you save in coin will cost you in frustration and anger.
  2. Ted, That texture paint you sent late last year rocks when you want to airbrush jigheads. If you really need to get rid of it,ill take 2 lbs of each. You know my contact info. Brian
  3. Ted The colors are straight out of the bottle Createx flourescent.As far as the color choices,yep really good on the Illinois and with the clarity of the Kankakee River,im sure tommorrow should put out. Those ultra jigs are going to be used as the dropper weight when i pull 3 ways up river.I know the spot im going to puts out walleyes up to 12 lbs. every year and thats what im going for. Checks going in the mail today. We need together this winter.Ill haul my airbrushes up north and learn you a couple things. We also need to talk about a bulk order on those Ultra Jigs. Happy Thanksgiving Brian
  4. As promised,here are some pictures of air brush over powder. Disclaimer:Ive had some really crappy weeks at work and i got drunk yesterday before i painted these. The above were done in about 45 minutes using Createx Paints,an Iwata HP-C airbrush,and 4 pitchers of Miller Lite. The powder i used was a paint that Cadman sent to me.It was a textured beige and the airbrush paint sticks like flys on a ribroast.I have and still do use an airbrush on CS powder paints.Its really a viscosity/pressure game that you have to trial and error.I have literally hundreds of trials and errors. Any questions,just shoot away.
  5. Im going to start painting some jigs tonight after i get home.:sauced:They are bigger than im used to doing(1.5 oz Ultra minnow). Ill powder paint first then do some airbrushing. Probably throw pics up tommorrow. YJ Thanks Ted for the jig heads.Nice pour job.
  6. Custom painted and custom tied bucktail jigs.Also,spinner rigs and crankbait repaints.
  7. By far not my best work: Picture sucks but you get the idea. I have put stripes(firetiger) over powder then clearcoated them. If you cure them in an oven,be careful.I personally dont like to because the paint changes color and blends too much.I use CS waterbased clear coat.
  8. Much respect for A-Gang.Spent MUCHO hours workin with them guys. From one Snipe to another.Happy Veterans Day
  9. Right back at you guys. Electricians Mate 3rd Class U.S.S.Independence CV-62 1994-1997
  10. Yep,what George said. When heating your jig,rotate it.The heat travels but not as good as we may think. Also,ditch the candle...I bought a heat gun at Home Depot for around $30.00 that works great.Helps when doing more than one color. YJ:yay:
  11. Wow,cant wait to see some baits made. Nice work Kajan.
  12. I emailed Shawn Collins this a.m. with a picture of what i was looking for and got a response and price in a couple of hours. Thats service......
  13. Give this a try: The Perfect Replica Mold Just got mine in the mail today and i have jigs in the oven cookin..... Not a bad deal,beats having lead shoot out of a mold you think is dry. Out of da oven: Original is on the bottom:
  14. I dont stop fishing in the winter. Pike in wisconsin thru the ice,walleye and sauger on the Illinois and maybe the Mississippi this year. Am really kickin around the idea of designing a jig that cuts current really well.Heavy hook,about 1 to 2 oz. Gots a pop mold in the oven as i write this from copying a jig a friend needs and realized thats probably how many inventors started out. Im still looking for that million dollar idea that lets me hang up my tool belt.
  15. :yay:Wow,nice lookin worms. Like the white/black flake.
  16. Gonna pour my first POP jigs on saturday.Letting mold dry for a few days to make these: This is a discontinued 1 oz. Lindy Fuzz E Grub jig.(Nice pic of my feet) I have seen this type of jig recently but cant remember where. Anyone,anyone.......
  17. How about here: Captain Hook's Discount Warehouse
  18. nice lookin baits. one question.Is it just me or are they kind of flat????
  19. I deal with a vendor called Newark Electronics.Only problem is that you need to buy a lot of them,but they do have a 3a,violet color code ATO fuse. If you change body style of fuse,make sure you go with a fast blow.
  20. Very interesting video.I use a lot of plastics but not ready to start pouring my own,not yet. Great Job...
  21. Took my youngest for a ride through the neighborhood to see whats what. Heres a pic where you shouldnt see water.Its normally a bike trail and forest preserve. Heres another shot just a little downstream and about 2 blocks from my outlaws,oops,i mean inlaws: Thats my youngest son Brian. We took a ride around our town,Brookfield,Illinois and seen quite a few sandbags being filled. I cant even imagine what ya'll in the South are going thru but we are going to get a pretty good amount of flooding around Chicago. Outdoor Advantage,i sure hope all the walleye and smallmouth in the KKK survive. Oh yeah,the City of Chicago dumped 6 BILLION gallons of UNTREATED SEWER WATER into Lake Michigan to alleviate the flooding.
  22. Gonna start making crankbaits??????
  23. Thanks Ted. I might just have a egg head mold modified.I have a guy that makes a lot of parts for me who runs a pretty big C.N.C.Shop. Then again,theres always the Dremel Tool. Dave, Thanks for p.m.ing me the situation. Love the pics from the T.U.Meet. Is it a part time gig or full time?? Either way,you make a nice product. Brian:yay:
  24. Its not really the hook,its the body i like. Do the hooks you get have the wire keeper????If so,yeah id be interested.
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