Mark,my wall of shame is bigger than my wall of Fame.But......
I had this really dumb looking 5in. purple and pink belly floating minnow i painted,one of the firsts.
On a crappy march day last year at my favorite smallmouth river,i tried everything under the sun with no results.River was at flood stage and comming down,low 40's temp,just miserable.
I threw that stoooooopid looking crank and on the first cast,nailed a 17 in. smallmouth.He didnt just smack it,he attacked it.Next cast,bam but a little smaller.
I was up to 7 smallmouth in 20 minutes til the wife called me(damn cell phones)and told me everything was fine,dont worry and the firemen just left the house.She set the stove on fire making cookies with my kids.
Moral of the story????Dont sell your paint job short,it might just work.
And dont let your wife make cookies when you are fishing.