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yankee jigger

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Everything posted by yankee jigger

  1. Just thought i would share a couple of pics from my trip to Lake of the Woods Ontario: Me and the Mrs.I love Canada: My youngest, Little Brian with his first walleye; My oldest,his biggest fish: Wife and the kids.Got back just in time: Great trip,great resort.We stayed at Harris Hill Resort in Rainy River.
  2. I beleive i saw the exact jigheads on the pics from the TU 08 meet. Nathan,Bruce or anyone that was there...HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here they are,7th picture down.............. Tackleunderground Home - Luremakers Photo Gallery - Clinton, Missouri 2008
  3. 61 views and no one knows????? Put on the thinkin cap guys...............
  4. Any place to buy this stuff retail or just mail order???? Thanks Dean.
  5. these jigs?????? www.riverwalleyes.com Click tackle then lead head jigs. I love the size,the hook and the surface area but Hutch stopped selling unpainted jig heads.
  6. Dean How easy is the Brite Bak tape to use. When i use the HVAC Tape,i have to use two different pieces and hope they are the same. I need an alternative.Ill give it a shot. Oh yeah,does it wrinkle easy and if it does can they be smoothed out easily???? Thanks.
  7. You can get a lead pot with bottom pour from LEE of do what im going to do soon and use a burner from a turkey cooker and a ladle.
  8. Mines not messy. I misplace more stuff than you can imagine. There is fishing tackle in EVERY room in my house except the bathroom. My shop is getting there but a long way to go.
  9. Thought someone would find this interesting.Seen some hooks i use on spinner rigs and gave it o shot.I like it...... YJ
  10. Thanks for the tip. I used the metal duct tape a couple times and the only way i got any type of flash was by rubbing the tape,after applying,with the side of a plastic Bic pen. What a pain. Where can you buy mylar???????
  11. Last day of the trip. Fishings been tough.My 8 year old got the big fish with a 27 in. northern. I got some nice walleyes but the biggest was only 22 in. Brian
  12. Sittin at an Americainn in Orr Minnesoata. Heading for the final leg of our journey in an hour or so. Seen my first wild black bears yesterday. Brought the laptop to keep up with whats going on in the world when the sun goes down. Brian
  13. Leaving for Lake of the Woods ontario in about 7 hours for my 2 boys first fishing trip to Canada.Bringing the wife too. Last time i was up there was 10 years ago for another fishing trip but i have to keep reminding myself it was really our honeymoon,complete with outhouse. This time,no out house so ive moved up in class and me and the wife will hit 10 years while we are up there. Got my t-shirts and T.U.hat from Jerry yesterday and ill be sure to proudly display the Tackle Underground colors while im in Canada. Y.J.
  14. Mark,my wall of shame is bigger than my wall of Fame.But...... I had this really dumb looking 5in. purple and pink belly floating minnow i painted,one of the firsts. On a crappy march day last year at my favorite smallmouth river,i tried everything under the sun with no results.River was at flood stage and comming down,low 40's temp,just miserable. I threw that stoooooopid looking crank and on the first cast,nailed a 17 in. smallmouth.He didnt just smack it,he attacked it.Next cast,bam but a little smaller. I was up to 7 smallmouth in 20 minutes til the wife called me(damn cell phones)and told me everything was fine,dont worry and the firemen just left the house.She set the stove on fire making cookies with my kids. Moral of the story????Dont sell your paint job short,it might just work. And dont let your wife make cookies when you are fishing.
  15. Also make sure your needle isnt bent......
  16. Here you go............... Materials & tools > Crank Bait Components : - LureCraft
  17. Try typing in unpainted swimbaits on the search. Sorry,couldnt resist. I seen some nice ones on www.lurecraft.co
  18. Do the same thing here.Works good.
  19. Had the same problem with their minnow baits. Crap i tell ya,crap.
  20. Why do want to thin it????? Are you going to shoot it thru an airbrush???? Be careful if you are.........
  21. If it was me you were talking about,i didnt do it because i am lazy.Far from it..... I dont have the TIME to search thru a thousand posts for the exact bit of info i need. I ask a question if people dont want to answer,thats their choice.
  22. Can never have enough spinnerbaits. Fish a lot in S.E.Wisco myself.I own a house on Whitewater Lake and i pulled out some really nice bass and pike last year. Welcome to the underground.
  23. Did a search on crankbait hardware but didnt get the info i wanted..... Are thru wire hardware really necessary????? If you use screw eyes,how strong are they or do you use epoxy??? What im really trying to ask is what does it take to construct a wooden crankbait. I have a guy that can cut the wood,i just need to put it together. Alright i give up.....someone send me a link.
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