I missed the poll last week and havent been around for a while but i still look around and when time permits,ill throw my 2 cents in.
As i p.m.ed Jerry yesterday,if he wants to charge a very small fee and throw in extras like YOUR OWN webpage,ill cut him a check and pay for a whole year up front.
If its a case of money.........
I pay $4.20 for a gallon of gas,$5.00 for a pack of smokes,and $116.00 a month for a train pass.
I beleive one of the ideas was $5.99 a month.That is a hell of a bargain for all of the knowledge and entertainment this site provides.
I have received more tips,free baits and even some sample powder paint(thanks Cadman)from the guys and gals here so to throw a few bucks to IMPROVE and MAINTAIN the site,im for it.
As far as those who troll here and only post when its negative,i guess youll thin the heard.