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yankee jigger

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Everything posted by yankee jigger

  1. First,i woould chech air pressure.Too much air,too much splatter. Also,are you thinning your paint too much????? Look thru the hard baits forum.There is mucho info here.
  2. I accidently bought 2 100 ct boxes of eagle claw #630 bronze hooks. They are heavy saltwater.I think i bought them before i got my prescription glasses. Any one want to trade for other hooks,a few 1 or 1 1/2 oz jigs,borrow me a mold so i can use them?????If someone lets me borrow a mold for that hook size,ill give you a few jigs plus ill pay for shipping. Anyone?????
  3. Alright,im a dork. A rattle can is a can of spraypaint,right........ Nice paint job!
  4. How many of the 7000 members post????? How many actually have over 100 posts???? How many give info and not just take????? How many just come here to stir the pot????? I only have a little over 100 posts myself,have contributed a little here and there,but the TIME I spend here,hours on some occasions is worth $3.99 a month. For those of you pissing and moaning,i wonder who have their website address in their signature. For those of you crying foul now,how much info or sales on your products did you get here all this time for free. Now Jerry wants to charge such a small fee to offset his costs,improve the site,add more features so what thanks does he get??????? A whole lots o'Bu#$#$IT. Heres a link for the babies........Sesame Workshop - Home Page
  5. I had a meeting with these guys a couple of months ago to have some machinery parts teflon coated.They said they would sell me some retail so ill give them a try.I have a couple of business cards at work. Point is that these bigger operations are more than willing to help out the little man. Slipmate: Teflon Applicators, Powder Coating, EMI/RFI Shielding
  6. I use the jars that pro-tec comes in but did find some small ziplock types at a dollar store that work just fine. As far as storing my other gear,you couldnt swing a dead cat without hitting some tackle making equiptment in my basement.
  7. Hey guys. Why dont you all just get off Jerrys' ass. Quit complaining already. A poll was brought up and it was close so Jerry decided what was best. $4.99 a month.If it is that important to you,you can skip 1 pack of smokes or use one less gallon of gasoline. Look im not wiping my butt with $100.00 bills either but if money was so tight i couldnt afford $.17 a day i would be out looking for another job. I signed up for a full year with no regrets.
  8. Ill take you up on the offer. Im looking for a pink airbrush paint that is heavily pearlized. I have a plan...............
  9. I said i would do it so i joined. Is there a receipt or something i get to acknowledge payment???? I dont see anything different. I am not the most patient individual. I am trying..........
  10. Badda bing,Badda boom............ It was flooded fish farms in Arkansas that did it. What the hell were they doing with them??????
  11. Hey Sagalicious, For the silver look,how about a dremmel tool with a buffing wheel???Then epoxy???? Cadman,great info!!!!!!
  12. For those of you guys that have seen footage of the asian carp jumping around boats by the hundreds,try living thru it. My son and i were on the Illinois River back in june,tucked behind Twin Sisters Island around Henry Illinois when all hell broke loose. We heard bangs off the boat and after looking towards the back of the boat seen literally hundreds of huge Asian Carp going ballistic.Bouncing off the bow,stern,outboard...it was SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!! I ended up stuffing my 8 yo son under the console and hauled ass. From what i heard from members of the Spring Valley Walleye Club,66% of the biomass of the Illinois river or maybe certain pools is the Asian Carp. Want to get rid of them???Have our crappy state goverment subsidize a commercial operation to get them out. Cat food??????Fertilizer????????? I dont care what they do with them but get rid of em.
  13. Rock Creek.......had a couple of 50 fish days there.Havent made it to 3K state park yet this year,maybe saturday after work od Sunday a.m. with my son. Looks like a couple of tournament guys here.
  14. I dont know the types of water you fish but i do a lot of river fishing for walleyes and one thing i know for sure is my next trolling motor will be 24v. I hate running down the battery before the day is over.
  15. Not to get off the subject,but TNBasser,where did you get those smallmouth???? I lost a 22+ a couple of years ago and still have nightmares.I need to redeem myself.
  16. Hey guys. Just curious to see how evryones fishing season is going. Been slow for me but the highlight was placing 19th out of 52 boats at the Illinois Angler Young Angler Tournament out of Hennepin Illinois with my 8yo son John. Heading up to Lake of the Woods on august 10th for a week long FAMILY fishing trip.Cant wait for that one........ Outdoor advantage,hows the 3k treating you????
  17. The world might not end if Jerry dumps the site but there will be a void.
  18. I missed the poll last week and havent been around for a while but i still look around and when time permits,ill throw my 2 cents in. As i p.m.ed Jerry yesterday,if he wants to charge a very small fee and throw in extras like YOUR OWN webpage,ill cut him a check and pay for a whole year up front. If its a case of money......... I pay $4.20 for a gallon of gas,$5.00 for a pack of smokes,and $116.00 a month for a train pass. I beleive one of the ideas was $5.99 a month.That is a hell of a bargain for all of the knowledge and entertainment this site provides. I have received more tips,free baits and even some sample powder paint(thanks Cadman)from the guys and gals here so to throw a few bucks to IMPROVE and MAINTAIN the site,im for it. As far as those who troll here and only post when its negative,i guess youll thin the heard. Brian
  19. I had a similar experience during the winter.0 degrees out,must have been to cold in the basement for it to cure. Took the baits upstairs,up on a high shelf and voilla.
  20. Florida get together?????? This yankee will be more than happy to join yous especially when the snow starts flyin.......
  21. Sorry,that one is in Texas but prices are good.
  22. I did an internet search a while ago just for the chicago area and came up with alot. Powder Coating And Custom Paint Colors And Supplies This is one of them.
  23. That is one lake ive wanted to try but im not a big fan of lakes with a H.P. restriction. Did get out to Lasalle with my son. Trolled a while but it was really windy and boat control trying to go 2.0 mph was impossible. Did i mention it was about 27 degrees and 20-25 mph winds when we launched???? BTW Boat ran great.Looking forward to a new season.
  24. Honestly,for the price of a jighead,its not worth the time and hassle. Trust me on this one......... If you insist,you might be able to burn the paint off?????
  25. Definetly thin with water. Also,i imerse the bottle of Createx in warm water.It also thins it out at least for me.
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