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yankee jigger

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Everything posted by yankee jigger

  1. Braidwood ill pass on.Great catfish and bluegill lake. Heidecke.....bought a bigger boat last year so no north side anymore.:(Used to really whack the walleye there. Going to LaSalle this saturday with my 8 year old son and business partner John. Gonna try for some strippers.
  2. Placed one order at the beginning of the year. You dont need to buy in bulk.You can order as small as you want but pay a 1.00 service charge. Phoned it in to the nice lady there and got my stuff pretty fast.
  3. Guys, Ive received some great help on here over the past year or so so im gonna throw this one out there. Thinking about making a permanent move to South Alabama.Love the Mobile area but have pros and cons: Cons: No walleye. Job market for my field(packaging line mechanic) doesnt look to hot. Summers are hot and humid. Cant get decent pizza.I live in Chicago. Pros: House prices are great. I get to see my older sister and two nieces.Sister moved down there about 15 years ago. The fishing opportunities are endless. I love shrimp!!!! No -30 degree days. Like i said,im up for a few tips from some who have packed up and did a big re-location.
  4. Mother nature kissed my ass today. I got skunked but i actually held a fishing pole longer than 2 ft. long. Kankakee is like chocolate milk.High,muddy,and cold. Couple of more weeks....
  5. Whining?????I dont whine,i complain. I guess you didnt read the part about wanting to troll some crankbaits i made this past winter out of my boat.
  6. First day of spring,get off work tommorrow at noon and had "plans" to get the boat out and troll some of the cranks i made this long crappy winter on saturday.But nooooooooo...... Winter storm warning for tonight and tommorrow. So mother nature can kiss my ass!!!!!!!!!! I am going to leave the boat at home and just fish the Kankakee River saturday morning in rain,snow,tornado,tsunamis,whatever!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED TO GET OUT AND FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys for letting me vent. BTW,what happened to global warming?????
  7. Totally agree with this statement. Also,what i do is imerse the bottle of transparent in a cup of warm water. My shop is in the basement and its winter. Also,seeing that you might just be starting this hobby,slam on the brakes and take it slow. You will learn little tricks over time. Nothing worse than getting frustrated.
  8. Good choice on the darker color.I had a light color hat from St.Croix that developed a really hideous sweat stain on it. Still wear it to this day.
  9. I recently just put a coat of blue flake/clear over just a leadhead and it looked good. Let me know how the gold looks and turns out.
  10. For the Kankakee River,watermelon with red or black flake.
  11. I would like to see one too. I have a Stamina one but would have a TU one. Anyone,anyone....
  12. home depot has a Husky for $89.00 with i beleive a 1.5 gal.tank so i doesnt run all the time. Stay away from the Passche one,it sucks!!!!!!!!
  13. Ive seen your work,really love the life size photo you did for the world record blue cat. Actually,we met a couple years ago at ISA Bronzeback Blowout.
  14. B&B Most impressive shop. Even my wife was impressed.
  15. Its messy but i know EXACTLY where everything is. Powder paint,yep like it too..... Some of my fishing poles.All but one are St.Croix.
  16. Ive ordered from Hagens and their delivery was faster than most. Thanks T.U.
  17. Welcome.Great bunch of doods here.
  18. Today........45 degrees and raining.Later thia week,high of 15. Still 10-12 in. of ice on the lakes and the rivers look like chocolate milk with debris flowing down. Oh well,plenty of painting and tying to do.
  19. Kankakee River wading for Smallmouth. Whitewater Lake Wisconsin for bass,pike,and panfish with the wife and kids. Lake of the Woods with wife and kids in june. Illinois River for walleye and sauger. Cooling lakes for multi species. Since getting a bigger boat,really miss the Aroma Park area of the Kankakee River.Great walleye:( Looking to expand this year.
  20. Nice Job. Ive done some bigger jigs in a fire tiger pattern and used a fine tipped Sharpie for a little stripping.
  21. By no means am i an expert but i think im good enough to go 10 rounds with an airbrush. Let me know what you think.....no holds barred. The one on the bottom isnt painted but just want to show off the foiling. Hmmm.....maybe ill just clear coat it and fling it when the water clears.
  22. Looking out my window is another snowstorm....... Dont feel like ice fishing........ Have a 1 year old boat sitting in the garage looking like it wants to take a ride around........ Screw this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I declare war on snow and ice!!!!!!Wheres my flamethrower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or i can just wait for one of the nuclear cooling lakes a little south to open the gates. Nothing like fishing in 70 degree water with snow on the ground. Sorry guys and gals.......had to vent.
  23. That reply sums up my opinion of this site. Every time i had a question,sure as s#$t,it got answered and many times over. Now i just need to contribute more.
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