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yankee jigger

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Everything posted by yankee jigger

  1. Nobody plans to fail,people just fail to plan......... Thomas Paine.......I think. Hey honey,remember when i said i didnt need anymore supplies,well something that i absolutely need just went on sale. Me
  2. Seen those on another board,very impressed. What kind of brush and paint are you using?????
  3. $5.00 for a little jar might sound expensive but that little jar goes a long way. Ill stick with pro-tec which i know works. If it aint broke,dont fix it.
  4. Great pics....... If i ever won the lottery,id hire your crew to build my house...... and workshop. Ill be too busy fishing.
  5. Hey,how bout a picture of the addition???? Taking the family,wife and two boys,to Lake of the Woods this year.
  6. DelW is right,No body plans to fail,just fail to plan. I just took over supervising a 3 shift maintenance crew for a huge Chicago food packaging company. If i had a dollar for evrytime one of my guys that told me we were out of something that we should not have run out of,id retire at 36. For example,we run Bartelt Vertical form,fill,and seal machines.(Dont know if anyone is familiar)Anyway,each one takes a special chain we cant put together so i have to get ot from the manufacturer.I got told last monday that i had three machines that needed these special chains a.s.a.p.They take a week to get. When production stops,guess who gets the reaming......yep. Order more than you think you will need,it will get used eventually.
  7. Nice smallmouth. My favorite smallmouth river,the Kankakee,is just a tad too high and frozen right now.
  8. Im in the same boat as you.Want to create and fish but 11-15 hr. days,sometimes six days a week,plus a wife and two small boys,plus a house in Wisconsin to keep up with(its waterfront so itw worth it). Then again with all of the manufacturing jobs leaving this country,i just plug away and give thanks im working.
  9. Let me re-phrase that...... Where can i get the foam bodies?????
  10. I use a lot of Northland Gum Drop Floaters for pulling 3 way rigs on the Illinois River. Just wondering where i can get these???
  11. How about thread sealant tape plumbing dudes use on pipe threads???? Goes on easy,comes off easy and really nice to work around strange angles.
  12. Yep,been having problems myself. Maybe try calling the order in.Im sure the person taking the order could tell you if its in stock or not. Just my $.02:)
  13. I bought a Pasche airbrush compressor,used it about 30 hours and it crapped out. Last one i buy. Bought a Husky at Home depot,$89 works great and doesnt run all the time.
  14. From Chicago,Illinois Merry Christmas(No "Happy Holidays" here.) Hoping to do some icefishing with a week and a half off. Brian
  15. Was thinking of how to respond to this so here it goes: Im Brian from Brookfield,Il.I run a small company out of my basement called lincoln jig company.www.lincolnjigcompany.com. 35,wife,two boys who can hold their own with a fishing rod in hand,and a labrador retreiver who loves to sit in a boat. Lead mechanic for a large powder drink mix manufacturer www.jelsert.com Work 60 to 70 hours a week and get to the "woodshed" when time and/or orders allow. Been a member here about a year but dont post much but do read an awful lot.Reason i dont post much??????? Kind of embrarrased seeing the type of work most do here and not much for keyboard critics although for the most part,this seems like a great group of guys. With that said,i apologize for not contributing to the cause and will post more in the future.
  16. Hey all, Been buying tails from BPS when i get a chance to get there,Stamina,yadda yadda,usual spots. In some cases,the tails are too stiff and some places dont seem to have the colors i want. Out of the blue,who has a favorite place to get bucktail. The Illinois River is going to be hoppin with sauger soon and i want to be ready......
  17. yankee jigger

    Jig Paint

    Try pro-tec powder paint glow. The blue and green are pretty cool. Pink dont look too bad either.
  18. My advice to those who bought the PSG is to call CSI and voice your concern. I have called them in the past on a couple issues and they have been more than helpful. If its a piece of crap,let them know. Who knows,they might be reading this thread as we speak,after all we are the guys that buy their products. Hey heavycover,love your website.
  19. Was kicking around the PSG but have heard of a lot of negatives. Will invest in a fluid bed in the future. Cadman,cant wait for the tutorial.
  20. Saweet job Big Perm,i mean Big Worm.(Took that line from the movie "Friday") Love the choice of colors.
  21. This dude from Chicago is interested too.
  22. I went thru this problem in the beginning myself. Wasnt heat,paint was too packed in jar. I roll the paint on the table and let it get fluffy... Heat jig,swish in paint but dont let it sit there.Bang jig off edge of jar. My son and i have a 4 step process. Heat Swish Bang Hang
  23. Being the Dad of two boys 3&7,i can say that your lure would be a hit in my house. Your detail is amazing.
  24. Not to hijack this thread from Cadman but you guys that pour Senko type baits,p.m. me and let me know what you have and if you have any for sale. Sorry Cadman
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