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yankee jigger

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Everything posted by yankee jigger

  1. This was an interesting read. Im in the process of starting a website to try and sell some of the jigs i make. Im not the best but compared to some of the mass produced goodies from the big dawgs,i beleive my quality is better. Ill be making up free samples and hand them out at some local walleye/sauger tournaments and just to the ordinary average joe. Attached to the free samples will be my card and web address. Im gonna kick around the factory for a few more years or as long as i have to in case this doesnt turn profitable but unless i say the hell with it and give it a try,ill never know. Like someone stated earlier,i dont want to be 30 years down the road yhinking i should have tried it at least. Carpe diem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Holy:bull: ,that is a great idea. Definetly gonna use that tip.
  3. Good ventillation and wear gloves. Also,dont do it in the rain........
  4. Ooooh,Oooooh,if you find one let me know.
  5. Yeah,im sure i can modify but dont really want to. One slip and the mold can be toast. Ive got enough machining experience under my belt but then it becomes too much like work. Hey Cadman,you know a guy named Mike that smokes 2 foot cigars that belongs to your club?????
  6. Gots a friend thats a tournament walleye dude and he was asking about jigs with a longer shank,for fishing plastics. Im trying to locate some but just come up with the usual. Thoughts.............
  7. Thanks bud.Can i use gold or bronze hooks??????
  8. Bought some Daiichi red hooks #4633 for do-its live bait jig mold and the shank for the eye is too short. Who makes a good red hook,same as a size 571 eagle claw?????
  9. Alrighty guys,thanks alot. Gave it a shot yesterday before work,lets say i need practice but they dont look too bad. Cadman,good to get some help from another illinoisan. Kankakee River looks really tempting for new years day walleye.
  10. How do you get 5 colors on one jig with powder paint?????? I think i have an idea. Heat jig,sprinkle a little of one color.Heat jig,do another color??????????
  11. Im no expert but i use a toaster also. Its about 8 years old so how well it regulates temperature now is anyones guess.My wife wouldnt let me bring the stove into the shop. I use a butane torch for heating,hang em and when i got enough in the oven,i turn it on 350 for when ever. No problems from my end. I remember the first few batches i did with my kids when we were learning powder paint and didnt know how long to dip em. I now a have about a dozen little dots on the bottom of the stove. Told the wife it gives the stove character.
  12. Im noo expert but i tried the vinyl paint,like the ones you buy from netcraft and failed. Picked up some Cretex(sp)today and so far so good.
  13. Picked up some cretex(sp??) today. Man what a difference between that and the CSI vinyl and thinner. Im no longer high.
  14. Thanks guys,bit the bullet and bought a couple of new molds and a production melter.
  15. Have a 1/32nd and 1/16th do it mold,7 of each in one mold. Kicking around getting a couple molds for 1/4 and 3/8ths but dont want to spend too much,need money left for paints and materials. Do you guys just bite the bullet and buy the molds or do you buy bulk jigheads????????
  16. New to the airbrush thing. Am currently using vinyl paint thinned but dont care for it. Need new idea. Want to two and three tome some walleye jigs. I have a pasche single action and compressor.
  17. Tied jigs as a kid but movin up in the world. Mainly bass fisherman but love walleye and panfish. Expanding the operation in the future.
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