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fish devil

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Everything posted by fish devil

  1. Not only does a trap catch moister but it also helps with small particles. I use a trap on all my compressors. You do not need a compressor that is made for airbrushing. Anything with a holding tank and regulator will work.
  2. spray cans work better when you heat them up. I run rattle cans under hot water before I spray.
  3. what do you like better, living rubber or hydro silk?
  4. thanks for all the help. I cure my jigs in a toaster over for 15 minutes without weedguards at 350 (jig temp, tested with a infared lazer temp gun). I added a little bit of 2 ton to the eyes and to the weeguard.
  5. I am looking for the maximum protection
  6. I have clear pro tec powder paint and 2 ton devcon epoxy. What one should I use on 1 oz jigs that have been pro tec powder painted black?
  7. createx is a water based paint that can be cut (thinned) with water. You want it the consistency of milk. I screen all my paints before I use them. I squeeze the paint through a pantie hose. They also sell screens for this. This will allow you to work with the smaller needle. To get thinner lines work with less air pressure. Createx sells a bonding agent. Add 4 drops per 4 oz and it will bond better. Practice practice practice.
  8. www.onlinemetals.com should have it.
  9. I use alclad II lacquer grey primer and microfiller ALC 302 http://www.alclad2.com/alclad-home.html
  10. What are the precautions I should take when pouring lead?
  11. fish devil

    new guy

    Hello from the new guy. I have been lurking for a while. I decided to join the"new" forum. I mostly tie hair jigs for smallies but wont pass up the opportunity to make a lure.
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