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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. I agree with Nova, it is a heat problem. When pouring laminated baits you can not let the first pour cool very long or the next pour will not adhere properly and you get the seperation. Hope this helps. Maverick
  2. Thanks MDC, I found them. Thanks for your help. Maverick:yeah:
  3. I am having a problem finding some 10'' ribbontail worm molds:( Does anyone know where I might find some? Any help would be very much appreciated:) Thank you in advance! Maverick
  4. Sweeeeet, how do I go about getting some of them? They are the only Watermellon Red that I have seen that I like! If we can do business please send me a PM Thanks Maverick
  5. You might try looking at M-F colors, they have a lot of non-bleed colors. Hope this helps. Maverick
  6. Try spraying your pots with WD-40, then wipe out the excess with a paper towel, this makes them easy to clean and also keeps your pots from getting any rust started when you do not pour for a while. Hope this helps, Maverick
  7. If you watch the website, they have a special once in a while. I got both of my rods for $40.00, so I think I got my moneys worth.
  8. I have two of the 6 1/2' rods that I used this summer. I like the way they feel, and the action is good, and they have held up well to the abuse that I have put them through. I think they are worth the $40.00. Hope this helps. Maverick
  9. Maverick

    Sexy Shad

    Rookie, Im not upset with anyone on the site. Except myself for not understanding what was going on. All of you guys are great and no way am I going to leave T.U., I have learned a lot since I found this site, and am now actually starting to use some of that knowledge when makeing my soft plastic baits. No need for any one to be sorry for anything said on my account. Thanks for the offer on the paint job, but it would not be proper for me to accept a free one, I am still looking at all the different paint schemes that you'all have come up with and am very much in awe of what I am seeing. Thanks, and good fishing ,Maverick
  10. Maverick

    Sexy Shad

    Ok guys, I can take a hint. Everyone is makeing their own version of Sexy Shad. I should have done more research before posting. Thanks for all the information:worship: I will no longer waste your time. Thanks. Maverick
  11. Maverick

    Sexy Shad

    Are any of you that are makeing Hard Baits, custom painting your crankbaits with the new hot KVD color Sexy Shad:? If so please pm me, as I am interested in having some painted. Thanks, Maverick:worship:
  12. Maverick

    TU t-shirt

    Im in either way - Maverick
  13. Try a Chartreuse Spinnerbait, with a chartreuse trailer and Tandem Blades, with the top blade a Silver Willowleaf, and the bottom blade a red Colorado blade. Also a Black and Blue 3/8 oz. jig, with a #11 Uncle Josh Black pork frog trailer. As for location try first cove East of Sailboat Bridge, on the south bank. Also try around Snake Island in the timber. IF the water is up in the Willows be sure to fish them. Hope this helps.
  14. Really nice, exellent photographic work! Maverick
  15. I know that Lee used to sell parts for thier pots, I know that they will recondition a pot if you send it to them. Hope this helps
  16. Plt, I have been useing Polyester Glitter from M-F Manufacturing since I started pouring. They are located in Fort Worth Tx. Phone (817) 281-9498. I have talked to a man named Robert several times and he has always been very helpful. Web.Site:www.pouryourownworms.com. Hope this helps.
  17. I also use Lee pots, but I have never had the problem with burning glitter. What kind of glitter are you using? I am only useing Polly flake. Mabe this is your problem. Hope this helps!
  18. I would like to thank Delw, and BAssKickin, for their response to my question about bleeding colors. Your awnsers are greatly appreciated. This is a problem that I have had for sometime, and I thank you gentlemen. I am a new user to this site and will probably have other questions later on. Thanks, Maverick
  19. This may be a dumb question, but can anyone tell me how to stop bleeding of colors? I poured some Electric Grape with Chartreuse tail worms,and the grape began to bleed into the chartreuse in a very short amount of time! Thanks, Maverick
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