I'm from North Alabama also. Logan Martin, Pell City. I tried every sort of finish I could over the past year just to educate myself on the best, longest lasting, eaisest to use.
Use Devcon, but make it simpler.
Go to the dollar store and buy cheap plastic ice cube trays.(3or4/$1.00)
Use one cube to mix enough for each time you want to apply top coat(s).
When you have used the holes all up, throw away the ice tray.
Brushing on with a cheap, 1/4 to 1/2 inch brush, takes about one minute per bait. Follow the tutorial on this site about application, by gloping it on the head and then cover the whole bait and brush away the excess.
Any of the other coatings (Dick Nites, Poly, etc) will become contaminated and harden before you can use it all. Most of these will not stand up to any rocks or even the mud at Logan Martin for any time at all. Devcon can be saved between applications in the tube not mixed. You can use only what you need and save the rest till next time. It is MUCH mor forgiving that any other and it is definately stronger and doesn't loose clearity. The new Devcon Tubes are even better.
I messed up a lot learning that one minute per bait was not too much time to apply a good top coat that will last.