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Everything posted by CSG

  1. Is this something that you would dip,spray or brush? CSG
  2. Can you heat set the Kryon Fusion with a hair dryer? What is the approximate cost of a can? Thanks. I like to know other alternatives.
  3. Not a question, just kind of a poll. I am just wondering what you guys use as the primer coat on repaints. I will start. I use createx opaque white.
  4. CSG

    Dick Nites ?

    I just received my first batch of DN and I am trying it on some lipless crankbaits. My question is how many coats do you recommend? I painted the baits, flash dried them, then put a gloss top coat on them. When all of that was fully dried, I dipped it. The finish is great but it seems a little thin. Thanks in advance. CSG
  5. CSG


    Thanks for all the replies guys. Scott
  6. CSG


    I need your help a little guys. I am looking for green glitter to add to some of my baits. I have never used any before and do not know where to find the fine glitter that I think is needed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Scott
  7. CSG


    Thanks for all the replies. CSG
  8. CSG


    I am trying to take some good pics of some lures to post in the gallery. My question is what kind of camera are some of you using and what setting do you have the camera on? As you can tell I never took any photography classes! LOL:lol:
  9. I have been thinning it with cheap glass cleaner. I pick it up at the dollar store for a buck a gallon. I thin it about 60/40 paint to cleaner then I strain it with old panty hose. I know other people do it differently but this has been working well for me. Let me know how it turns out. Good luck. Scott
  10. Thanks for the reply and help. CSG
  11. Hey guys, I have been painting for about 6 months now using primarily createx paints. I am wanting to expand my horizons to some flip flop paints. I have been doing a little research and I know that House of Kolors has some. My question is, what type of paint should I buy? Does it need to be thinned, if so with what, water or thinner? I know it seems lazy but I need someone to say, go by X at X and do this. Before I had an airbrush I had never painted before so I am really green to painting. Thanks for any help. Scott
  12. Thanks, that is a good idea. CSG
  13. I am sorry, I should have been more specific. I meant different COLORS of eyes, like blue eyes with black pupils. CSG
  14. Thanks, I gave them a call and they have a $50 min. order. 1000 eyes per color per size per order. Was that confusing? Thanks again for the help. CSG
  15. Thanks, that is exactly what I am looking for. Do you know if they sell to individuals? CSG
  16. Hey guys. Where do you buy your 3D eyes? I know that Janns and Stamina have them but I have been seeing some on some lures that they do not carry. I was wondering if there is another main stream supplier out there that I am missing. Thanks in advance. CSG
  17. CSG

    Blazer Type

    Great work. What color did you use on the backs of the baits? Thanks in advance. CSG
  18. CSG


    Man, those are great! CSG
  19. CSG

    Watermelon Rind

    Thanks man. CSG
  20. CSG

    Watermelon Rind

    Here is one I have been playing with. Let me know what you think. CSG
  21. CSG


    Maddox, it is a clear bait I bought from Jann's. Bamabass, I put gold scales on the side but the plastic bait already had a scaling effect in the mold of the bait. Thanks for all the kind words. CSG
  22. CSG


    Here is a sunfish pattern I have been working on. Let me know what ya'll think. CSG
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