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Everything posted by cwenbass

  1. It is still warm here in the NE for some reason so I took advantage. I went to the local lake and on the fist cast from shore, hooked into a nice 2 lbs.er. It was an awsome feeling getting one on a bait you made yourself.
  2. While making a bunch of black beavers with red flake, I just kept reheating and reheating and forgot the heat stabilizer. I endend up pouring black beavers with red flake with a nice reddish tone due to burning. It looks a little like the darker half of RI's coonasty.
  3. No, I plce the extra stuff aside and after my pours are done, i reheat the set plastic from the tops of the spouts and from inside the cups.
  4. BBC said it, I am getting a hollow body when I pour down the middle of the spout. I'll try to pour slower and keep heating it as I pour.
  5. I pour continuosly until the cavity fills. Is that where I am going wrong? I may reheat once when filling one or 2 caveties. Actually, I only poured 2 baits with 2 colors and they came out fine. Also, I have poured roughly 30 baits up until tonight and never had this hollow body problem.
  6. I was on a roll. Even managed to pour a t colored beaver really well. Black on one side and blue on the other and the tail. My last few pours however, I can feel the middle of the bait seems hollow and flattens out and stays that way if i press on it in the middle. Any thoughts? I think it has something to do with the left-over on the spout.
  7. Love the colors on the inside.
  8. Can you pour color into a mold without combining it in plastic? My favorite sweet beaver color from Reac. Inn. is the magic crawl swirl. It is essentially a watermelon with some streaks of blue in it. I was hoping to pour some plain blue color in the mold and then pour watermelon colored cooked plastic over the top of it. Will the blue just sit there? Will it adhere to the plastic? will it mix with the plastic? Any thoughts?
  9. If that is how you do it on a senko, i think it might work. i am going to hold off on pouring for a while until i get some scent and a few more colors.
  10. Now that I have mastered pouring;) I want to try a 2 sided beaver. I am thinking that I seperate the mold, mix a color and pour. Then let is set up a little and then close the mold and pour the other color through the spout. Does this sound ok? Any suggestions welcome.
  11. Microwave worked much better for me. I went from having maybe 2-3 ok beavers and taking forever to pour, and then make a bunch of mistakes to the microwave. Man what a difference. I made 15-20 pretty good beavers in about an hour. I am really excited to start playing around with colors and flakes. Thanks a lot folks for all the good advice.
  12. Sorry Predator Bass however, the terminolgy is new to me and I am trying to get a better visual on what to do before i do it and various resposnes help me do that. I too dislike re-posts and questions and wasn't aware I was doing that.
  13. Ok, going to try and cook in a microwave. What should I cook the plastic in and pour. Do I cook and then pour in the same cup or do I cook in one and pour in another. If use seperate cups, how do I keep the plastic from setting up when I transfer the cooked plastic to the pouring cup/pan?
  14. If I switch to a micowave, what supplies should i get in terms of cups, puring cups, etc? Also, how lonw and on what power setting do i cook in a micowave?
  15. One more thing, My ammounts are as follows 1 cup of calhoub plastic 1/2 tablespoon of salt 1 bottle cap full of heat stabelizer Before all the laughs start rolling in, please keep in my mind that I have never poured before. LOL:)
  16. Red8 said stated my problems to the T. I am heating in a shed, but it is not cold in there. I dont know if I stated this also, but the plastic sets up at the mouth of the poring cup and prevents the plastic from flowing easily into the cavity. Can anyone suggest a good pouring cup. I am heating the plastic and pouring right out of the same cup. Should I not do that? Should I have a seperate heating cup and pouring cup? If so, do I heat the pouring cup on a seperate burner so the plastic doesn't set as soon as I transfer the heated plastic from the heating cup to the pouring cup?
  17. I am heating on a portable electric stove. Also, whenever it starts to settle on the spout and I peel it off, I end up pulling some of the plastic out of the cavity. Also, won't the softener soften it up too much. I like the way it come out with just the plastic and a little salt. It feels very much like a beaver and i don't want them too soft.
  18. Hotter than 350? I also have the problem of the plastic setting up after the initial pour on the lip of the pouring cup. It tends to interfere with the pour.
  19. What is MF plastic and what is the diference? I get the plastic to about 350, but I just can't seem to get it down there fast enough before it starts to set up.
  20. I just ordered my first mold and it looks great. However, I am having problems pouring. I can never get the plastic to fill up the entire cavity, most noteable in the tail and the 2 small arms off the the side on a beaver. Any thoughts?
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