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About Maddoglures

  • Birthday 07/07/1948

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  1. I do not use a file, but it will work quite well. i use a utility knife with blade that slides back into handle. If you do this while the jig head is hot, you can smooth up the spur very easy. i do it just before i powder paint, this way it does not disrupt my pouring.
  2. Getting started in a small plastics business, for Bass Fishing? WOW! This is a big deal, I hope you have the business sense that you are going to need just to get started. We have fished for 50 plus years and have made our own tackle most of the time. started making our own lead sinkers then went on to bass jigs and now plastics. With that being said, the short story is start off on Ebay. Gets you world wide exposure, tells you what price fishiermen are wanting to pay for your product. Write up articles about your products and your ability to catch fish on them. Give out lots of samples to tournament anglers, this will tell you what fishermen want to use. Now if you are not willing to take a leap in faith, and invest in your own custom molds? You will be just trying to compete with everyone else using the same molds. Get yourself right with the Federal & Local Tax Laws and Business Licenses. Do not try and use the cheapest plastics on the market. Try to set your products apart from the rest. Be very proud of your components, in colors made and your custom creature baits. Write articles telling about the unique qualities of your products. Go to all the tackle shops in your state, give out samples to be passed out. Be willing to accept failure, when you have given the public a fair chance to use and see your products. Now this might take years. Just ask yourself these key questions. How much will I invest? If you are trying to get in cheap? Do not even start. How many different products are you thinking about, Plastics, Jigs, Spinnerbaits, Hooks, Swimbaits, Wish you all the best of luck, we made it work trying to give fishermen the highest quality products.
  3. Mike; You and your family are in our hearts and prayers. We sure hope your mother has a restful and speedy recovery.
  4. I have shipped all over the world with no problems. But I only ship UPS Payment is made up front and in the form of Direct Bank Deposit. Worked great every time. your shipping cost estimate, was way to high. I have shipped plenty of heavy Jigs and spinnerbaits for $300. to $400. don`t worry about the name confusion, All those foriegn companies have several names and from many partners. Just get his money up front. Let him know when you will ship get his order the color he wants. Good Luck. Dale
  5. I have been making Garlic Oil for many years. It is really easy to do. You can also make it like paste or just oil. Get yourself some minced garlic at the store, you can get it in quart size jars or smaller. You will need some quality Olive Oil, unscented Vasoline. Buy the largest tub of Vasoline, it will come in handy. Now to making the scent, do this outside on a small hot plate or propane burner. Bring your Olive Oil up the really high heat, test the garlic in the hot oil. If the Garlic start frying? it is hot enough. put 1 cup of minced garlic into 1 quart of hot oil. Turn off heat, let garlic brown and cool. drain Oil through a cheese cloth, mix with Vasoline to desired thickness you like or just use as is. if you want it to go farther, mix it with Canola Oil, it is a great unscented oil and has many uses. Your Garlic Oil is going to be very powerfull, use it sparyingly or reduce it down.
  6. There are several mold manufacturers that have very nice 5" Fat body Grubs. Maybe you need to post a picture? No one can give you an price on 10 count. it costs money and time to just get you a Black/Red flake that you would like. Yamamoto has these in stock, that might be the best place for you. Now if you want at least 100 count? let`s see a picture. There are money great pourers on this forum that can make what you want. Custom work always feels better, when it is your making.
  7. If you are series about getting into the business. And if you buy Bear`s injection machine for Laminates. I will contract with you for 1000 baits per month, that is just to start.
  8. If you are thinking about a start up business, selling plastics you make? You must take into consideration all that entails. Will you be buying all your supplies in bulk? (Glitter, Color, plastic) How much money do you have to invest? (5,000, 10,000) More is better? Are you legal with the tax laws? Are you selling under the table? Are you buying others, molds? Are you going to design and have your own custom designed molds made? Have you check with the local tackle sops, to see if they might buy and sell your products? Have you really checked into the cost per plastic lure? (Your Cost to Manufacturer) How much profit and loss are you willing to stand? (Tuff Economy Now) Are your plastics going to go into custom labels with Barcodes? Are you going to do your own taxes? or hire a CPA? Figure this out and then you can ask yourself, is this the time to do a startup pouring plastics for sale business.?
  9. Powerworm; Are you seller your molds here on this forum? I can not find them? I did find these on another forum, Posted by you a while back. Your Post; as Bigfish65 i have over 20 different molds for sale if anyone here makes their own soft plastics or wants to get started making their own p.m. me here and ill give you all the heads up you need to start or continue making your own quality soft plastics...BF i appreciate the PM, but I do not need any Crazy Craws or Kodiak molds. What are the other 18 types of molds you have for sale? as you stated you had 20 different types of molds for sale? Please post pictures, so we can take a look at them. Maybe some background about how old they are and their condition. Like are they missing parts? How much use did they get. Any flaws in the baits, like were these "Seconds" you got as a discounted one of a kind mold?
  10. Little Highjack POWERWORM; Why are you selling all your molds? I see on another forum site you have all your molds for sale. I have not seen any web page for your web site. powerworm, did you take it down? The last time we talked, you were buying Bear`s injection machine? What happened over on Bear`s? I have not seen you over their in a coon`s age. Are you still in business??
  11. Boiling plastics can make them a lot softer. i bought 1000 of the big Stick O`s from bass Pro several years ago. I boil them at different stages. This is what i found. Bring your water to a hard boil. Boil 1 Min, just a little softer, but not much difference in action. 2 Min. now were talking a noticeable difference, but I wanted softer. Now I boiled them for 3 Minutes, Perfect Softnes for wacky riggin and Texas Riggin. I boiled them from 3 to 5 Min. not much difference. For me 3 minutes was just right. Now these are really big fat 7" baits, big as your little finger. Just let them rest overnight after boiling.
  12. Great News, Mike; I will be watching for more information. We all appreciate the update. Dale
  13. When I poured for years, I had the same problems. I always used dremel to size hole. I used Super Glue Gel I do not pour any longer, but if I was? I would surely start using Gorilla Glue, it expands to fill up nicely. You might try it.
  14. We can custom design and put into production any type of jig you want. These will be for your use only. We do keep everything top secret, to keep your product line private.
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