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Garneau Baits

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About Garneau Baits

  • Birthday 05/23/1965

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  • Location
    Comstock Park, MI
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  1. Here is two from the second day tourney. The big one was 6.5Lbs
  2. Here are some nice smallies that fell for my "Gritter Critter" in Goby color. I won the tourney's and got big bass back to back days. The first day we had just short of 24Lbs in 5 fish, big fish that day was 5.9. the second day I fished by my self and had 20Lbs with the big fish going 6.5. That day I lost 2 fish pushing 6Lbs. They were pre spawn fish on the main lake. water temp was 49'-56'. if you want to get some big smallies come to Michigan around the 2nd week of June and fish Lake Charlevoix you will have a blast.
  3. Longhorn, use lurecraft clear soft plastic paint. coat the eye socket let it dry, put the 3d eye on then brush some over the eye, dry and dip. the glue reacts to the plastic if you don't do that. Ted Garneau
  4. those baits are airbrushed and possibly hand painted like Tubeman said. The pearl and pink one-- I would dip only pearl with some silver holo flake in it utill you get to just about the thickness you want. then I would airbrush or hand paint the pink on it, sprinkle by hand a bit more of your silver holograph flake on it then dip it in clear plastic. Give that a try.
  5. Don't forget about your 10% excize tax, the gov. wont. If your just selling to your buddies for cash you wont have to worry about that.
  6. Thanks for the info cintaskevin. do you have the 2 color injector? what size do you use?
  7. not to get off topic--- but how do I get my old Website off my Sig in my posts. I went into my settings and changed it,(I thought I did anyway) hit save and my old web add keeps coming back.
  8. I did talk to Bear today. He said you would probably have to modify the tip. I just wanted to see if any TUers were injecting Bob's molds with any success ( high percentage turn out rate). Also I am really intrested in knowing if anyone has been able to use Bears 2 color injector on Bob's 4.2 and 3.5 Split tail molds. thanks 152nd I will go look for that thread on Bears site.
  9. Hawg-- Got ya now. Let me know how it goes. I would think it should work
  10. HawG, So you do have Bears 2 color injector? If so, i'm interested if you can shoot 2 colors into Bob's split tail mold and post a pic. Thanks again, Ted
  11. I was wondering if anyone is using Bears Hand injectors on Bob's molds? If so how is it working out for you? and does the 2 color injector work on Bobs molds also? Thanks, Ted
  12. I'm not sure Del just told me that they are a bit different now. I think there is like 1 or 2 less ribs in the new molds. So I just want to have all the same molds.
  13. I'm not looking to make any money on them. Actually I would be happy getting my starting bid ($75)per mold which would be a loss. Del is making me a bunch of 10 cav molds and they have changed a bit since the last ones I bought from him and that's the only reason im selling the 4 - 7 cavs I have. That being said I wont feel bad if they get bid up above what I paid for them. I'm not forcing anyone to bid what they want.
  14. A lot of people don't know where to buy molds, and don't know how much it cost to get one. I'm about to put 4- 7 cavity stick molds (dels) on e-bay and I hope they get bid way up, it wouldn't hurt my feelings.
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