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Dink Master

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Everything posted by Dink Master

  1. Try to talk to Don Iovino. http://www.iovino.com/reels.html
  2. Sorry about the 2nd post. I was trying to post a picture.
  3. I have used JBlaze method, easy & cheap. Give it a try.
  4. Read and follow links. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/14365-how-to-make-a-spinnerbait-mold/
  5. Will this Hook work ? Gamakatsu 474 Swim Jig Hooks Sizes 2/0-4/0 Round bend, kink shank with black finish. Gamakatsu premium hook specially designed for the Do-It Yamamoto Swim Jig mold
  6. Also looking for better Drop Shot Swivels? Like the following pictures.
  7. I believe Upton uses Lure Craft Formula #536 plastic & Lure Craft Molds? http://www.lurecraft...worms/5x030:279
  8. My last post was for 1 cup - 8 oz plastic or more. A tad thinner than syrup
  9. microwave 2 minutes stir microwave 1 minute stir microwave 30 seconds stir keep heating at 30 seconds intervals as needed (transparent and has the consistency of corn syrup) Microwave Oven Instructions A microwave oven is a very good way to heat either Formula #502 of Formula #536 plastic. The best containers that we have found for heating plastic in a microwave are "Pyrex" measuring cups. You can heat one (1) pint of plastic in approximately four (4) minutes. We recommend stirring the plastic when the heating process is 75% complete. Standard colors may be added to the plastic before and after heating. Fluorescent colors must be added before heating. CAUTION: Do not put our plastic molds in a microwave oven. Step 1: In order to ensure consistent and superb results, be sure to shake the liquid plastisol very well. Some contents will have settled during shipping or storage. Step 2: Heat the plastisol on a low heat setting and stir frequently to prevent scorching. The plastisol needs to be heated to approximately 340 degrees (F). Take care not to over fill the aluminum pot as pouring will become very difficult. Step 3: Colour can be added while the plastisol is heating. You can mix your own custom colours by using the included Colour Wheel. Continue to stir the plastisol to mix the colour and to prevent scorching. If you are using flourescent colours, they must be added before heating. Step 4: Included with every LureCraft Worm Making Kit is a bottle of Lunker Lotion. Lunker Lotion are scent additives that will attract fish, our kit came with Garlic scent and like the colour additives you can mix with other LureCraft Lunker Lotion scents to create a unique scent. The Lunker Lotion can also be added to the plastisol while heating. Step 5: Continue heating the plastisol until it turns transparent and has the consistency of corn syrup. Now you are ready to pour. Step 6: Begin pouring the plastisol into the mold. If you would like a round mold, you will need to slightly over fill the mold cavities. Pour the molds in one smooth motion. Step 7: The plastisol cures very quickly and the worms can then be removed from the mold by hand Step 8: As you are still developing your lure making skills, you will inevitably need to trim off some excess plastic. This can be done with any knife. Remeber to keep all of the scrap plastisol as it can be re-melted for future worms. There is no waste when using the LureCraft Worm Making Kit.
  10. I believe you need to inject faster with more pressure? I had the same problem, hard fast injection worked for me. (hard plastic)
  11. I made a 3 part cup a few weeks after I posted the first Divided Cup on this site. I wanted to pour Aaron’s Magic, I had a hard time working with 3 colors and The results were inconsistent/poor. Nice to see a lot of people have made A Divided Cup, and are making great looking Baits with them.
  12. Sorry for posting here. Bryan great job at Shasta last week. Did you get that 7-3 Spotted Bass on a bait you made? http://flwserieswest.flwoutdoors.com/photo.cfm?id=36979 I was a co-angler (52nd place) caught half my fish on baits I made.
  13. Watch some of the videos at this site. http://www.makelure.com/
  14. Have not fished Huntington Harbor for a few years. Do not have a kayak, want to get one to fish Diamond Vally Lake. (can't get on with my boat) Need a sit inside kayak for DVL. What baits do you pour for the Spotted Bay Bass?
  15. Any pictures from people using funnels?
  16. Better template. Read Nova's post #108 http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/soft-plastics/11598-pouring-two-colors-same-time-11.html
  17. Get yourself a Pyrex cup, thin sheet of aluminum, JB Weld and a piece of cardboard. Make a template out of cardboard, that will fit inside your cup, no gaps on bottom or sides. Cut aluminum, JB Weld aluminum into cup. Next day start pouring. Read this post. #1 #24 #40 #90 http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/soft-plastics/11598-pouring-two-colors-same-time.html
  18. Joshimoto Son, Model numbers for the molds?
  19. Tony, can you post the picture?
  20. No funnel - 2 colors 1 cup(divided) Picture of cup on post #1
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