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haybay larry

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Everything posted by haybay larry

  1. Rico, Use the 800 phone number they have. I have dealt with them many times. They are courteous and delivery is always quick. ...Larry
  2. Charle's skirts are made off shore and the quality is top notch! ...larry
  3. I have used an old cooler form this purpose. I used 3/8" threaded rod to hold my spinnerbaits when transporting them. Because of the threaded rod the baits won't move around. It's inexpensive and works so well. I bought my cooler at a garage sale. ...Larry
  4. That was the deal of a lifetime! We are all envious of you! ...Larry
  5. I too have used their skirts. They are first quality and Charles is easy to deal with. My spinnerbaits have 2 skirts each and look great! Larry
  6. I too have a "naked bait" tool. I would never go back to making skirts with the pliers method. With the pliers method the rubber bands would frequently shoot off across the room or break before I inserted the skirt. The naked bait model has a lock position that makes assembly easy! Larry
  7. I have as well used the tape from wtp it is excellent. Superb adhesion and a dazzling array of colours....Larry
  8. If you own a portable [coleman] propane/fuel stove you can use a plumbers ladel. The model I have holds about 3 lbs. of lead. There might be larger models available....larry
  9. I'm not sure how many you can get with 2 oz. probably 4-5 doz. Preheat the bait for about 5 seconds with a propane torch or something similar. I have my powder in a medium container so I can dip the spinner bait in the powder paint for only a few seconds after heating, and then promptly tap off the excess on the side of the container. After you are done you should then place them in an oven for about 20 minutes at 350. I use a piece of 2x4 with holes for the unfinished spinner bait. They will then be bullet hard!...larry
  10. Guys, I have purchased lead in the past from a scrap metal dealer. His initial price was good but when I returned it was almost double. Needless to say I never went back to him. I had a friend who worked for a telephone company. He was able to get me 40lbs of lead. Hydro companies also make use of lead and may also be a source. ...Larry
  11. That is a great and easy way to form polycarbonate! So easy!...Larry
  12. Youn haven't mentioned what type of lead you are using. Old tire weights are possibly the worst source to use because they are not as pure or soft as plumbers lead or a sleeve used for telephone communications. The wheel weights will cause many headaches with partial pours.The phone sleeves weigh about 30lbs. I just melt them down into more manageable sizes. Sometimes salvage yards are a good source for lead. I have found thin sheets of lead that were easy to work with at these yards....Larry
  13. John, I don't recomend heating your lure in sand either. A candle can do it but I prefer to use a propane torch you might have for plumbing projects etc. Set it on a low burning temperature. For my 1/2 oz. spinner baits I rotate the bait in the heat for about 5 seconds and dip in the powdered paint. If you are using a small container 3-4" deep just make sure to fluff the paint periodically. It is very easy to produce professional results this way....Larry
  14. Tthat's what I"m after. I had hoped to find them at a wholesale price. Thanks for the info.
  15. Guys I am looking a component that was widely used on the west coast for steelhead. It was a large float with mylar wings attatched that caused it to spin. I think one was called "spin & glow". Does anyone know where I might be able to purchase these wholesale if possible. I have customers who want these and my supply is dwindling. The last ones were purchased as a close-out at fayes drugs in watertown N.Y. Let me know...Larry
  16. Just about any copy shop should be able to print those for you. Staples or any other such store are reasonably priced.
  17. They look store bought to me! Great job!...Larry
  18. haybay larry


    Guys, I use the skirt factory, it is efficient. If you are in need of 100's then you need more of a specialized jig assembly to do this operation...Larry
  19. dampeoples, A quality blade will be made from brass and depending how you order it a quality paint job that will last. If you order them plain you can paint yourself...Larry
  20. iceman, The do-it molds are probably the best ones on the market. They are precision fitting and available in a variety of shapes...larry
  21. haybay larry


    josh, I haven't heard of Babbit. Is it like lead weight wise?...larry
  22. Guys, I prefer to use a plumbers ladel. It creates ingots [round] that are about 3-4 lbs with lead in them. I use this version because i melt down larger amounts of lead from old telephone line sleeves. A torch works well for these. One of the sleeves are about 25 lbs....Larry:nuhuh:
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