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Vodkaman last won the day on February 10

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About Vodkaman

  • Birthday 10/03/1956

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  1. JJ knows this, but he also knows from another post, that there is no moderation going on! Dave
  2. 'When did TU become an advertising forum? I thought this forum was about DIY bait making. Years ago posters were banned for advertising here. I visit to learn and share info, not to see an advertisement about a companies attempt at selling an unwanted product to me. ' I reported this post when it first appeared, and again when it dropped the ruse and went into full sales mode. I know the mods are usually on top of dross like this, but this one seems to have slipped through. LSM joined 2 years ago, so it is a safe assumption that they know the rules and just decided to flaunt them! Dave
  3. My guess would be 'no', because if a commercial lure 'hunted', there would be a significant volume of returns and complaints from people who do not understand the benefits of a hunting action. The lures would be deemed as faulty. I remember reading an article on TU, around about 2007, about a particular commercial that was close to hunting. If people bought say ten lures, then a 2 or 3 would have a hunting action. Dave
  4. A huge amount of spam over the last few weeks, even more than legit posts. Other than just reporting, can I help? Message me. Dave
  5. My vote would be horizontal, or nose to tail. Dave
  6. Sorry, I do not have a guaranteed solution for you, but there are plenty of UV guys that should step in here. My thoughts would be a glass divider to shield and/or a ventilating fan to draw away the heat. See what the others think first Dave
  7. I think the heat has expanded the air within the body. Dave
  8. The flattened nose is a good idea. You want a shape that will disturb the water, not simply glide through, I suggest a fatter nose. The 'twitch' action causes a single vortex down one side, causing the side deviation. The next twitch will move in the opposite direction provided not too much time between twitches. As usual, I am talking theoretical, I have never made this type of bait. I tried to resist posting, but alas.... Dave
  9. Vodkaman


    I too am using ABP. Dave
  10. Vodkaman


    Everything OK here (Firefox). Dave
  11. Someone at the patent office is not doing their job! Dave
  12. I thought this was sarcasm. an under rated form of humour. But, then I noticed that this was your first post, which makes this a very thoughtful post, getting right to the crux of the problem - Welcome Dave
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