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Everything posted by Vodkaman

  1. The problem with a hard master is the appendages snapping off. I make these separately and soft glue to the body. Of course, if your master has 50 legs each side, this is not a good option. In this case there is a remeltable rubber on the market that would work well with your mold-a-master idea. Sorry can't remember the name of the rubber stuff - it comes in a block. Dave
  2. No hard water here, but plenty of pretty girls though, so I've ben told Dave
  3. I only have shapes that I have drawn for myself. If you want to send me a photo (JPEG) and tell me the length and depth thet you require, I don't mind spending ten minutes knocking up a sheet of profiles, bodies or lips. Even a photo of a rough hand drawn sketch with relevant dimensions can be used. This offer goes out to anyone. Just keet the JPEG size down as my internet connection is quite slow. Dave
  4. 'Product of Serbia' right at the start of the video.I never noticed the girls Dave
  5. Ben pretty much covered the easy way to go about it, with an excellent write-up. Now that you have made a few lures, perhaps it is time to draw your own, now that you have a feel for what is required. Personally, I use CAD, only because I am a CAD engineer. Freehand is fine, but look after your originals. Years ago, I offered to start a lip library, were you could choose from a library of shapes and receive a PDF file of a page of lips for printing. I intended to extend it to lure body templates too, but no one was interested. Dave
  6. The one thing that I would do, is to add a chamfer to the back of the lip. The sharper the edge of the lip, the more action you will get. This is why wafer thin lips have better action. Dave
  7. static, yes, but I don't think it will make a visible difference once the lure is moving. Dave
  8. That is a terrific action. I wonder what his percentages are. Would love for someone to make a hi-speed video one day, so that we can see in very slow motion what is going on. Dave
  9. Top information and advice Bob. Dave
  10. This is very good. Had to read it twice, but a genius method. It is all about the clamping together while soft and then the mating surfaces are forced to match - love it Dave
  11. It could well be - think of reinforced concrete. All I know is that they were both hard and both snapped if I dropped them on a tiled floor Dave
  12. I don't know of any equation, but from my time using resin and MB's, the result was just as hard and brittle. Dave
  13. I'm a passive TUer now Dave
  14. X2 I used to follow a dozen or so. I took part in 3, but not to the extent I did with TU. Dave
  15. Stripersonline is a very good site if you have a lathe in your man cave. Lureandmore, an Australian site, is very good. A bit like Hazmail, coming up with different solutions to the same old problems. Dave
  16. What do you want a video of? Dave
  17. X2 - everything you need to know is right here. Dave
  18. I think they would need to give me a taster before I parted with my money. How much is it? Dave
  19. I have ideas. Might build something soon. Start a new thread with it. Dave
  20. Your questions and comments are interesting and make me want to take part Dave
  21. Incidentally, the first hunt I ever achieved was so wild, I doubted a fish could ever catch it, no exaggeration it was THAT wild. Being an impatient fool, I modified it to see effect instead of making a fresh lure. The effect was lost and I never saw it again. My point is that there is a lot more out there than you might think and it has NOT all been done before. If there is one statement that makes me grin, it is "there is nothing new" Dave
  22. Ha! - I'm an aircraft designer - it helped a little bit Dave
  23. There should be manuals for the different systems, so that you can see what you're getting into. Be prepared to donate a lot of hours. Also, if you do a bit then don't use it for a few months, it will be like starting over. Dave
  24. I had to pay the kids to pull the cross line too DAve
  25. Obviously there is a tolerance and this I find is close to build tolerances. In this thread you see numbers quoted for success rates, this gives an idea of the tolerance. Doable for builders with a bit of forethought but too fine for big companies. You should certainly stick with it - I want to read about your ideas Dave
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