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Everything posted by Vodkaman

  1. Vodkaman

    circuit board

    Thin fibreglass board. Used for making lips or bibs.
  2. Vodkaman


    Jig with a loose blade fitted at line tie. Chatters from side to side when retrieved.
  3. Vodkaman


    Soft plastic rig. Hook tied to line end, free moving weight fixed by a bead, tied higher up.
  4. Vodkaman


    Computer Aided Manufacture. Software that converts the model into Gcode.
  5. Vodkaman


    Computer Aided Design. Modern drawing tool for modelling in 3D or drawing in 2D.
  6. Vodkaman


    CyanoAcrilate glue. Superglue. Used as glue, filler, sealer.
  7. Vodkaman


    The tendency to float in water. Upward force.
  8. Vodkaman


    Usually refers to polyester filler (car body filler). Bondo also distribute other products.
  9. Vodkaman


    See lip.
  10. Vodkaman


    Alaskan Yellow Cedar wood.
  11. Vodkaman


    Direction description. X axis, Y axis, Z axis.
  12. Vodkaman


    Referring to more than one axis. A system of axes.
  13. Vodkaman


    The shape a bait makes in the water or how it moves.
  14. Vodkaman


    3 dimensional.
  15. Vodkaman


    See D2T.
  16. Vodkaman


    Two Dimensional or flat.
  17. Jed, the specs certainly make good reading. The really annoying thing is that they quoted the price as per foot of 25 micron coating and then a range, between $0.07 and $0.13 per square foot and you have to phone for a proper quote. I multiplied these numbers up and it is between $31.11 and $57.89 per litre. It seems a bit pricy, but you can coat 22 x 3" lures with a square foot, so in fact it is $0.01 for 3 coats or 3000 lures from a litre. In reality, 25 microns is going to show every single fault and scratch, as there is not enough epoxy to level out as in the traditional epoxy application. You are unlikely to be able to apply this epoxy in thicker coats because in order to apply 25 micron coats, the epoxy is probably the consistency of water. The other annoying thing, is that they do not quote the light wave length required for curing, so you are committed to using their curing equipment, which is extremely expensive. In conclusion, I do not see this as our solution, JMHO. Dave
  18. You did not say what the material was. I am interested and would like to read more. Thanks. Dave
  19. UV cure is critical to the wave length of the light. Does it state on the container what the wave length of the light needs to be (assuming you still have it)? I have an idea cooking. Dave
  20. Great write up. Someone will benefit from this thread in the future. Dave
  21. She prolly thought Crym was an S+M freak, as he rambled on about jigs and hooks. Dave
  22. Very good post Bob. Dave
  23. If the clips are firmly attached to slightly tapered dowel pegs, then after top coating, they can be pushed into a hole, with a friction fit. The dowel gives you a convenient handle to hold while coating too. This is how my drying wheel works and I have had no problems so far. Dave
  24. That just does not make sense, as at some point the warm water will reach the temperature of the cold water and time would have elapsed. What your friend was saying is that warm water cools faster than cold water, but as the water cools the rate of cooling slows down. A good analogy to picture what is happening, is a tank of water. Pull the plug and the water spouts out very fast, but as the level of water drops, the flow rate reduces. The head of water determines the flow rate. It is the same in cooling, it is the temperature difference between the cooling elements and the water that determines the cooling rate. Dave
  25. We would really appreciate your help an cooperation with this little project. The easiest way is to have a word document on your desk top. This way your browsing need not be disturbed, just throw in the word or acronym. When you have accumulated a few, email to me. folicallychalled@aol.co.uk You can add descriptions, but it is not necessary, just words that you think a new member might have problems with. Don't assume that a word must have already been added, write them all down. If you would like an uptodate list of what we have so far, email me. If Jerry is prepared to write code for this project, the least we can do is compile the list for him. Dave
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