Density and specific gravity are basically the same information. Except density has units, like Kg/m3 ( kilograms per metre cube) or Lbs/cu ft ( pounds per cubic foot). Specific gravity is dimensionless and is a direct comparison with pure water.
So your sg is 1.05, which means that the cured resin is very slightly heavier than water. By the time you have added hanger wires, split rings, hooks, paint and top coat, it is going to sink, fairly fast.
The solution is microspheres, I think most guys use 3M silicone microsperes (or microballoons). Mixing these with the resin will reduce the sg to around 0.7 before the mix starts to get too thick to pour easily.
Plenty has been written in the TU threads on microspheres. Try a search on resin, microspheres, microballoons, try different combinations of words. You should find plenty of reading.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but all is not lost.