A-Mac, in hind sight, my comments read a little harsh, sorry about that.
The stuff I am carving does not compare to the work you are doing. Mine are one piece, 2.5" bodies with no relief work, so 20 mins from block to slot and holes drilled, is reasonable.
Have you considered cutting the VEE shapes with a router (table mounted), quick and accurate. I'm sure I read recently of another TU member doing this method.
Some people like the carving stage, I am not one of them, this is why I am putting so much effort into the carving machine.
The machine I am working on will cut at 28 seconds per inch. The master screw is 14 threads per inch (tpi) and the machine is geared so that the stock is turning twice as fast, 2:1 geared. So the distance between cuts will be 0.036" (0.9mm). So I will expect to have to skim over the machined body with some 150 grit, to remove the ridges.
If I get the m/c to work, I may experiment with the gearing, to reduce the ridges, but this means BIG sprockets (chain drive).
Good luck with your project and get those pics up!