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Everything posted by Vodkaman

  1. Their have been a few good posts on cutters, you might want to try a search if you have not already.
  2. The pic with the ruler in it was blurred. The core body length is 100mm (4 inches) as are the longest legs. I made it as an experiment to see how far I could push the boundaries and still get a good casting. This is probably getting close to the limit.
  3. Grant. Many thanks for filling in the profile, good man. I just wish everyone would. Many people are overly paranoid. When you get started with the class, take lots of photo's of the proceedings and the results and start a new thread. This could start a new trend that can only be good for the sport. You could even take the class through the whole process, each student could design a lure, mould it, pour it, fish it and if they catch anything, they will be hooked for life!
  4. That is great news, congratulations. Now, as you are new to pouring, you need to research every aspect of the safety. The members here are very pro safety. so, a search or two should get you the information. At the top of the plastic forum page is an excellent starting place, 'don'ts for newbies', three pages of valuable tips. I'm sure a few extra tips will be forthcomming on this thread too.
  5. Grant. From your TU name, I am assuming that you are in the UK, why not take the time to fill in your profile, it will help people understand your situation better. I think it is really cool idea to make lures with kids. It would set them off in the right direction regards safety procedures. Your problem is going to be the education authority. They are unlikely to grant you permission, but you never know, their might be an angler on the board. Even before they grant permission, it will have to be declared to the schools insurance companies. Do NOT proceed without permission, you will open yourself to all kinds of problems should something bad happen. I sincerely hope that you do get the go ahead on this one, as some of the students will possibly take up pouring on their own and will have missed out on the safety aspects of the persuit. Good luck.
  6. Nathan, sorry to interfere. I PM'd Rossrods and said that this time, it would probably be best to leave it here now to save confusion. It is actually worth a thread of its own. Ironically, another thread has been started on basically the same question. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11300 I assumed that this was the new thread, but did not check the author.
  7. Now that's what I call a paddle tail!
  8. Welcome Rich, I couldn't agree more. Their are a few of your countrymen on this forum.
  9. This subject has been discussed before. I understand your feelings but with respect, I think that you are being a tad hard on them. If they sent the goods out in batches of what was available, then who is going to pay for the extra shipping, are they supposed to eat it. Also, when you place the order, they assume that you wanted everything on the list. With large or complex orders, you should make it clear on the order and/or back it up with phone calls, that if something is missing then cancel that component from the order and you will get it next time. Maybe the order firms should add another box indicating priority. If high priority is ticked, the item must be delivered, if low priority is ticked, it can be omitted.
  10. Welcome. I like the name! We'll try to cheer you up.
  11. Rossrods. That is the perfect situation for creating the moulds. I've been doing something similar with split masters. the problem comes when you are ready to pour the second half. I get a visible split line in the subsequent castings. If you pour the second half with a complete master, this problem will be greatly reduced. I've just read your post again. It is your intention to cast two separate halves. It will work, but again, the join will need a lot of dressing up. When I get around to foamies, it is my intention to cast the lead ballast onto the hanger wire. Position the hanger in the mould and pour the foam. This way the labour is cut down and the result will be much tidier. Pity you didn't start a new thread for this one, it's a big enough subject to justify its own thread.
  12. Actually, just beyond the trees, to the left, about 150 yds, is a very nice lake. Never fished it though, too far from home. I thought about taking by tackle with me when we were doing the installation, but that would not have gone down well with my brother, left to do the work!
  13. Pete and Bruce. Many thanks. Finally, someone has put this subject to bed. It has been a real pain for all new members, including myself, trying to figure out the enigma of picture posting. Thanks to you both.
  14. Not as impressive as the Bridges above, but I am proud of it. My brother and I built this last year, he's the artist, I'm the engineer. What a team!
  15. Robert, you are just going to have to ask questions. Engineers tend to get caught up in their own little world were everyone understands. Explaining is not our strong suit. A highly respected member recently said, If you don't want to post the question, a PM is fine.
  16. I hope you are not as screwed up as I am! I am hopeless at names. I work in an office of about 30 guys, I probably know ten names, I've been there 8 months. I hope everyone wears name tags at the meet. I suffer mildly from face blindness, a guy in a bar came up and started talking to me about work, turned out he works in the same office, I just did not recognise him. I can remember phone numbers easily though. I tend to sit and analyse everything that I am going to do, to the n'th degree, before taking any action, sometimes for hours (can get messy if I am drinking lots of beer! joking). It's just embarrassing sometimes, I feel at a slight disadvantage. I used to think that I had just been lazy and not paying attention. Languages? forget it. I lived in Indonesia and Malaysia for the last ten years, I understand a lot of words, but hope to have a conversation one day! Yeah, being left brained is great fun! I can kick ass on the pool table though!
  17. How long is the corkscrew, are they a standard length?
  18. I think I could pour one of those in a two piece.
  19. I just use plasticine for temporary masters (see the spider shown on 'hairy worm' thread). Quick, cheap, easy to work and re-usable. Including the sprue and locator depressions.
  20. If you can't find them, you'll have to do it the hard way, glued paper templates and cut them out. I assume you only want to make a few for yourself, so laser cutting a few thousand is out of the question.
  21. Mark, I thought it was just me. Pete, good luck with the tank, can't wait to see the results.
  22. http://store02.prostores.com/servlet/aaronmartenslures/Categories They are scroungers! This link may help someone. It is the store link from http://www.aaronmartenslures.com/
  23. Did a web search, could only find one reference, but no pics. If you post a pic, members may be able to help you.
  24. I believe PVA (elmers) can be used in the same way. I did a quick web search, couldn't get the translator to work, but it looks the same.
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