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Everything posted by Vodkaman

  1. Not a painter myself, but I have just been waiting for their input. I suspect that the most enjoyable part of lure making (apart from cashing the occasional cheque) is applying the paint and seeing the block of wood come to life. Clemmy, the clown is my uncle Trev and his wife Anne. The dude in the middle is Emlyn Hughes, ex Liverpool soccer player. Trev is one of my heroes. He quit a high paying exec job to become a professional party clown and makes a descent living at it too. I wanted to demonstrate what a grin was, he never stops grinning. A real happy guy.
  2. Anchovy burgers, mask the smell of the plastic. Plus you don't have to wash your hands before handling the baits! A few weeks ago I bought some dorian flavoured ice cream. I thought it can't be as bad as the fruit, which is definately an acquired taste. I had to empty my fridge into the bin. It took over a week to get rid of the smell! This thread is on the slippery slope and going downwards.
  3. Perceptive, but I do have a silly grin on my face.
  4. Bruce, that is pretty much how it works but without the glove. Thanks for #& @^*# your concern, jus @$@%^ t a few twitches!!!!
  5. I think I get what you mean. I'm not sure if this is still true today, but I know a few years ago, they used to train the robots in the car industry by manipulating the spray arm by hand. The control system would record or 'remember' the movements and replay at the appropriate efficient speed. Any errors or inefficiencies in the 'route' would be editted out, like editing a CNC path. I'm sure the 'big boys' are using this type of technology or something similar, but I don't think you will find one on the shelves of the supermarket any time soon. The computing tecnology to do this sort of thing is not that hi-tech these days. A computer program operating a bunch of servos, switches and actuators, could be stepper motors or hydraulics, just got to learn some.
  6. Surely, the small amount left over is used in the next mix, or is that not the done thing. I know the plastic changes with constant re-heating. If you weigh one bait and weigh a gallon. Divide the gallon weight by the single weight and knock 10 - 15% off for wastage, this should put you in the ball park.
  7. But what EVERYONE should do, is take the time to fill in the user profile. This gives others responding to your posts an idea of who they are talking to. I always check the profile of the person that I am replying to. But more often than not I am talking to an empty page. Don't just be an empty page, be someone!
  8. Oh no!! another one trapped. Boskabouter, there is no escape, you are doomed to a moldy life.
  9. Thanks Clamboni. We should collaborate, I’ll send my technical posts over and you can translate them for TU! Bruce. Nature is one big science lab. Art is fooling natures creation with my own. Kyle. Welcome to TU. Wow, a fellow tube jockey! Just about everything that I model, goes over to you guys to generate the production tools. You are the guys that tell me, “you cannot do this, you cannot do that, the radius is too small, the pocket is too deep etc”. I would locate a smiley face here, to show that I am only joking, but smilies are not for me. There are two subjects within the title ‘mathematical modeling’. One is CFD’s (computational fluid dynamics),which is a software that will take a computer design and apply flow to it and determine the result. CFD’s are still relatively in their infancy, but the day will come (very soon) when you will see your lure design idea swimming on your screen, long before you get your tools out. With CNC machines (computer numeric control), you might not even have to do that. Hell, you can even get a robotic arm to paint it. The second definition of mathematical modeling is what we do, basically, drawing in 3D. Yes, we can manually carve and test prototypes. When we have something that works, we can collect the point data with some kind of digitizer and make a 3D model. This in turn is sent to DelW, who will send me an aluminium mould the very next day! These point digitizers are not even beyond the average designer. I have seen them advertised as optional extras on small CNC milling machines. I’m not sure how the big boys operate. But I would imagine that at the very beginning of a project, some hand carving would take place. They may well go straight in with a computer model and rough a few out on the CNC. If I owned a CNC, I would not be doing any more hand carving. I would CNC a block of wood, make an RTV (rubber) splash and cast a foamy (expanded polyurethane foam) for testing. From a CAD (computer aided design) designer point of view, working with point data on such a fiddly little subject would be a real pain, I would sooner model it from scratch, taking a few measurements and eyeball it. Catia V5 is a wonderful tool. The generative surface design is a dream come true. If you construct the models correctly, you can make a change to one of the first surfaces and everything drawn after that will be automatically changed. In other words, I can draw a basic lure shape, surface it up, add the lip, eyes, hooks, everything. I can then go back to the original sketch of the profile and alter the length, depth, thickness, radii of profile. The finished model will instantaneously re-draw to my new design. AWESOME!!!! I hope you enjoy TU (tackle addicts anonymous) and come forward with some outlandish theories and innovative designs.
  10. Referring back to related posts this week. Watch out for condensation, if you leave your plastic out there. It WILL splash when you re-heat it.
  11. Store them in a box, mounted to the front door on springs. Every time someone comes in or out, they get a little agitated. It works on the wife too, every time she opens the door and sees the box, she gets a little agitated. It sounds silly, but if paint is allowed to stand, it will clump. If it is stored in a place that gets movement several times a day, it will stay lump free. Just have to think of a practical way to implement.
  12. It's easing off now, after 8 hours! Hope that this thread has saved at least two other members, then it will have been worth it If that makes sense!
  13. I posted here because it is applicable to all lure builders. I did some housekeeping this afternoon and cleaned a bunch of used mixing cups with acetone. I've had a stinker of a headache for six hours, high on my left temple. I was too lazy to take it outside. I will not make that mistake again.
  14. Thanks Tubeman. The high paddle is producing a roll effect on top of the waggle. Who says it's all been done before. There is a ton of new ideas out there, just waiting to be discovered. I bet they've patented that one to death.
  15. Mark, What a great idea. Oval the hole to make an epoxy wedge inside the lure. Never heard that one before. You all saw it first on TU.
  16. This must be an American thing, I'm just not getting any of this converation: F.I.B? Cheesehead? Scony? Cheese curd squeekers? De Leine's And, while we're at it, Moon roof? If the answers are not printable, PM me. Ta.
  17. I've never been involved in engines except for a small job I did for Rohr, I was an airframe structure designer. If the putty was developed for the aircraft industry, it will cost BIG as everything else does. But, for this application, a few scissor snips of lead will be good enough.
  18. Clamboni. That's a good idea. But instead of filling it, tape the hole and test the fall rate with the air pocket. You can then tune the sink rate by adding more or less filler. Do you have digital scales. If not, you should definately get a set (0.1gm accuracy), that goes for everyone who builds lures. You could add lead to the hole until the sink rate you want is achieved. The weight of lead will tell you how much filler to use.
  19. Mallard. Looking forward to your CNC post with great anticipation.
  20. I have to agree with Nova. The headaches involved with such a venture would just not be worth it. The project would be more than a full time job for one, more like half a dozen. There are already many fishing mags on the shelves to compete with, but TU has the best web site. TU rocks. Thanks to Redg8r, his crew AND the members.
  21. Could you post a pic. I checked out the site, but not sure which bait you are talking about.
  22. Just an idea. You could cut a trench along the back, cover and fill to suit. This air pocket would counter the ballast problem and save having to alter the shape. This would also reduce the sink rate (see post No7).
  23. I would of course subscribe.
  24. Vodkaman

    Test Tank

    Sacrilege! my favourite car.
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