Blackjack. The question that I have been wrestling with may have been different to your intended question, but the answer is the same. As stated in the death roll thread, the eye position determines the dive angle by balancing the water forces above and below the lip. Referring to the two diagrams that you have drawn, there is very little difference between the two eye positions. Looking at the lip angle, I would estimate the line angle to be about 30 degrees. This would give slightly more lip and therefore more dive angle on the lower diagram, but the difference would be small.
The problem that I was thinking about after all that theorizing, was why fit the eye to the lip when the geometry could be arranged to give the same dive angle with the lip on the body, a much simpler solution.
By exaggerating the situation, the answer becomes obvious. After the dive angle has been established by the above/below the eye balance, I stated that the lure would then take the path of least resistance. This is not true, rather it takes a path somewhere between the tow and the path of least resistance. This angle is dependant on the resistance of the lure. Imagine a pencil thin lure, set as a deep diver. The tow line is trying to pull the lure at say 40 degrees. Because it has little resistance, it will be pulled more toward the line than the path of least resistance. If the lure was wafer thin, it would have no resistance and would follow the tow line. If the lip was increased in size to 12 inches square, it would have a very large resistance and would follow a line closer to the path of least resistance.
So, the answer to my own question is, that a larger lip means more resistance and therefore a deeper dive angle. The balance still has to be set, by moving the eye position forward onto the lip.
Sorry the answer took so long. I learned a little more on the way!