The mold maker needs CAD data to create the mold. Either you provide the CAD model or he creates it from the sample that you provided. Once the mold maker has this data you are at his mercy. He doesn't need to make a mold to sell on, he could simply sell the CAD data or the NC driving data.
Hypothetically; if a mold company was snowed under with work or a more lucrative job came in, he might sub-contract your job to a second company, providing them with the electronic design. Once again, your design control is lost.
Strangely enough, it is not about providing the best, confidential service to the customer, it is about making money. This is not a racist comment, and not all Chinese are crooks out to rip you off, but it is ALL about the $$$ at the end of the day. If making that dollar means trampling your fragile business sensibilities, well too bad! This if the general Chinese psych, everyone who does business with Chinese companies know this fact, not just Americans.