OK. It hasn't been 24 hours yet, but I got the impression that the guy was in a hurry.
True, I am not from the south east, but the courier service is not too bad from the UK. If he is that keen to get the work done and pay for it, a few dollars of postal charges should not be a problem.
I responded with a PM to this plea as soon as I saw it. I enjoy prototyping and getting things to work. In fact, I would have done the job for free yesturday, but my hourly rate is increasing by the hour.
Personally, if I was after a quick response, I would be monitoring my computer constantly. Oh yeah, I do that anyway!
Has anyone else PM'd this guy? Any response? Is there anybody out there?
Am I being unreasonable to expect at least an acknowledgement to my response?
I wasn't overly impressed by his opening line, but from personal experience, it is easy to get the wrong idea about people from first impressions, so I decided to give him a chance, benefit of the doubt and all that.
He has been a member of this 'club' for three years and posted three times, each time asking for a favour. No contributions towards discussions, no input of ideas, techniques etc, no opinions, just take. Not exactly in the spirit of TU.
Is it just me, or am I just having a bad day. Could be, I've dipped four in the pond today without the result that I was looking for, not a good reccomendation for the job!
Now the decision, do I press the button?
Aarrrh what th