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Everything posted by Vodkaman

  1. Yes, you all missed the point, but it was very enjoyable watching Husky squirm. Some of those soap boxes can get a bit slippy.
  2. "The fellow From GB with the Polynesian Monicker (Help with his name would be appreciated)." So, what was the above quote all about then?????
  3. I always put a couple of dabs on a piece of painted scrap last thing. I can then test this for dryness if I am in a hurry.
  4. Thirty six thousand entries on the web search and we've only just discovered it! Nice one Cheesehead. There is a lot of discussion on the web regarding Fiberglass Surface Prep YMA601, I don't know anything about its effects on the paint. Also, many of the sites say that sanding does not remove the amine blush. Some very interesting reading out there on application techniques. One that caught my eye, was application of a solvent after applying the epoxy to help reduce orange peel. Dipping or applying some solvent to the fresh coat of epoxy could reduce the surface tension enough to solve the problem. Has to be worth a test piece.
  5. It's getting away from the subject, so, sorry about the deviation. I get carried away with my CAD and end up with wierd and wonderful shapes, so it would be used for roughing out masters to be used for prototype POP molds. When everything works, I would get the molds professionally machined in aluminium. These are just thoughts at this stage, but not too far off.
  6. Probably not, Just thought I would ask before before wasting my time. There is no low volume short cut here. I am considering a mini NC milling machine, not just for lips and bodies. I have other applications for the machine outside of fishing lures, so could possibly justify the expence. A ways to go before I reach that stage. Thank's.
  7. No, I think the thread is still good. I was rash and glib with my opinions and I apologise for offending you. I have been given a severe public wrist slapping by a senior and respected member, so we could probably call it quits. If you do not find what you are looking for PM me. As long as it is not a hunting lure, as that would conflict with my own work.
  8. Normally, after the day I've had, I would be apologising to someone around about now. But I have re-read the post, replies and all the correspondence and feel no remorse, in fact after the above post, I feel even more aggrieved. Yes, I found your web site earlier. Wasn't sure if it was the same Basserdrew, their are a few out there. But as a site administrator, you should know better than to post someones PM's. Also, as a site administrator, you should have known that your request belonged in the classifieds in my opinion, as money was to change hands. If you are not a constructor, why are you a member of this site? Are you one of those spies that we talk about so often, lurking around, picking up other peoples ideas. I cannot think of any other reason for you wanting to be a member. You are a 'taker' sir, we need 'givers'.
  9. If the epoxy over white was that good, then you should try the epoxy over the matt black. It should be even better. Just a thought. This is very interesting to me, I will be trying this out soon. I hate foiling, do-able, but too fiddly and takes too long.
  10. I'm going to start a 'name that bait' competition. The prize will be $1000 and the really good part, is that their will be NO CLOSING DATE! No limit to number of entries either. bring 'em on!!!!!
  11. I have to agree, it just does not make sense. It's not that dificult to whittle a stick of balsa to test a theory. I did five today and have a bunch more planned for tomorrow. If he really cannot do it himself. I would have taken it to a craftsman outside of the industry, someone who had no interest in lures and unlikely to steal the idea. Surely he must know someone who could have done the job, family, friends etc. Something not quite right.
  12. It's an old project I was working on. I couldn't workout the ballast position. The lip came in handy though, cleared the snow off the drive with it last week! http://www.sculpture-art.co.uk/homepage.htm My brother carved it, he's a chainsaw artist.
  13. Nice bait. I'll have to send you some of mine to do. Gotta get me a spray gun. Frank, I think it is time for you to post a pic, warrayasay?
  14. That's rich! Is 'dosent' a word even?
  15. OK. It hasn't been 24 hours yet, but I got the impression that the guy was in a hurry. True, I am not from the south east, but the courier service is not too bad from the UK. If he is that keen to get the work done and pay for it, a few dollars of postal charges should not be a problem. I responded with a PM to this plea as soon as I saw it. I enjoy prototyping and getting things to work. In fact, I would have done the job for free yesturday, but my hourly rate is increasing by the hour. Personally, if I was after a quick response, I would be monitoring my computer constantly. Oh yeah, I do that anyway! Has anyone else PM'd this guy? Any response? Is there anybody out there? Am I being unreasonable to expect at least an acknowledgement to my response? I wasn't overly impressed by his opening line, but from personal experience, it is easy to get the wrong idea about people from first impressions, so I decided to give him a chance, benefit of the doubt and all that. He has been a member of this 'club' for three years and posted three times, each time asking for a favour. No contributions towards discussions, no input of ideas, techniques etc, no opinions, just take. Not exactly in the spirit of TU. Is it just me, or am I just having a bad day. Could be, I've dipped four in the pond today without the result that I was looking for, not a good reccomendation for the job! Now the decision, do I press the button? Aarrrh what th
  16. Mavrick Did you buy it, get the punch made or make it? This subject has not really been explored on TU. If you made your own punch, would you mind imparting some of your knowledge, or does anyone else out there have any experience of making simple punches. Would a shaped steel pipe with a sharp edge do it? Thank's in advance.
  17. I'm looking for a live mo, the hair is supposed to be very soft and I would like to try it out for brushes. I've tried ebay but no luck, can anyone help?
  18. Dear Mr Graphics. What do you charge! I've got some models need cutting.
  19. Great article Rofish. I can't wait to show you some of my earlier creations from five months ago. Not, just because of the finish, which has progressed very little as I concentrate on other aspects of the hobby, but for the whacky design ideas. I promise to resurrect this thread when I get back to my camera in a few weeks.
  20. Further to an earlier post in which I proposed the creation of a library of lip and body profiles. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8315&highlight=library I have completed research into the idea and concluded that body shapes are too personalised to individual designers to catalogue. The lip, however, could be catalogued, but the variations in length width and body width brought the number of lips to 200,000. This is obviously not a realistic proposition. A viable solution is a 'lip service' that I will provide FREE for TU members, especially designed for those who do not have access to computer aided design or any other means of easily drawing lip templates. If you e-mail me a photo of a hand drawn sketch of the lip you require with the length, max width and root (body) width. I will draw the lip and e-mail you a pdf file containing a page of lips which can be printed and spray glued onto the lip material as templates. Various sizes may be ordered for comparison with no problem. The lips will be added to a library of lips (no names) which will be made available to all members. The library will be posted when sufficient lips are collected. So far about a dozen lip shapes have been drawn covering a range of fan, round and coffin shapes. Should you require the lip to be kept secret, e-mail me to make alternate arrangements. PM me or e-mail folicallychalled@aol.com if you require any further information. Vodkaman
  21. Great post Palmetto. A lot of clarification achieved. I look forward to your report.
  22. Nice technique! I've been practicing the 'finger smudge' for some time, had some success, but obviously, I have a long way to go. What wood sealer did you use? Did you prime?
  23. Just wait until I get back to UK and my camera, I'll make you feel better!
  24. That is outstanding work. You've got me thinking about selling my half inch brush!
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