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Everything posted by Vodkaman

  1. I don't understand how you are getting a 3gm difference between 1 & 4. The mold appears to have filled perfectly. Dave
  2. Bob - I remember the Jaddon stuff. The lures were very successful. Dave
  3. Congratulations - terrific job. Dave
  4. Dave Rennie - Yes, I would never recommend manual suction. Too many things to go wrong. If done right then no problem, but I will keep that to myself. I am currently heading towards a project that will use Vacu-Venting, but I haven't decided on the vacuum method yet. Dave
  5. All will become clearer when JR posts his article, but here is the original article. The images got deleted, but I have replaced them at the end of the thread. http://www.tackleunderground.com/community/topic/10718-hairy-worm/?hl=hairy JR beat me to it, the same link. Dave
  6. Bob - logic will only produce the right answer if all the facts and variables are known. I bow to experience of course. My experience has always shown that before the storm is a good producer. Many anglers study the barometer as well as water temperature. As a teenager, I kept charts of the weather and temperature along with my catch. We must collect data/observations and try to understand the reason or logic of the fish' behavior in order to make predictions. Dave
  7. The way that I see it, fish are very sensitive to temperature changes and vibration noise. If I were a fish, I would head for the bottom and stay there. Feeding is going to be a low priority, so for anything to have a chance of success, it is going to have to be loud, flashy and colorful, to distract/annoy the fish. Once the storm has passed, there is going to be a lot of debris and food on the surface, which is going to attract the small fish. Dave
  8. Marvelous piece if kit - you made it yourself, so it counts as home made. The lathe and mill are wonderful, professional tools and you are fortunate to have access, but they are still only tools.Dave
  9. You should check out the UK carp sites, they have taken carp fishing to a science. I am sure you will find your answer there. In the US, carp fishing tends to be treated with some disdain whereas in the UK, carp fishing is revered, just like LMB in the US. Dave
  10. I am exactly north of KOPO, Ciwaruga. Originally from Birkenhead.
  11. I live on the outskirts of Bandung which is in the middle of Java, up in the volcanoes. I came here 18 years ago for a short contract, I liked it, so I stayed. The weather is always hot, but cool at night because of the altitude, so I don't need A/C. Living is very cheap and the people are friendly. Dave
  12. Dave R - I just sent the image to JR, to post it for me when he gets a chance. Dave
  13. The main safety issue is blow back past the piston head. I have a mod for the piston that will prevent this; cut a slot about 5mm back from the end. the slot need only be 2mm wide. cut a 2nd slot opposite, forming a 'H'. The idea is that if anything gets past the head, it gets caught in the slot and prevents any further leakage. I used this idea on my piston which was a sloppy fit. The idea worked. A second pair of slots can be cut behind the first, staggered at 90 degrees for additional safety. I can't post images from FireFox and IE is not working at all. Dave
  14. JR - good video, very clear and self explanatory. Well done for using a glove on the video too. Dave
  15. Jonister - from your description of conditions, probably not the cause, but still worth trying. Storage temperatures for dipping containers has never (to my knowledge) been mentioned before, so maybe worth recording here for future reference. Dave
  16. Jonister - what temperature are you storing the can? My thoughts are that the dip is going on too thick. If the storage temperature is too cool, this will cause the dip thickness to be too much. Try storing the tin in a warm part of the house over night. Just an idea, but I think worth trying. Dave
  17. Mark - it is worth a go, but if it is a spinning blade, the stuff just bounces off. Dave
  18. Ichthus - that is sound advice; start on something simple and learn. Dave
  19. Mark - you are probably right. I have tried a few things for this purpose and nothing comes even close to the MB's. We will continue to look for a substitute, but I don't think that cork is going to be it. Expanded polystyrene is very light, but getting it to a fine powder is the problem. When I tried it, I used too large a chunk. I tried a food mixer, but that was a joke. To reduce styrene will have to be a sanding process and you are going to have to figure out some kind of jig/machine to do it. Dave
  20. The finer the cork fragments, the better the suspension. This is why MB's work, because they are so fine that they float in air. It is also what makes them dangerous. Cork dust has the same density as cork grinds. What makes dust work, is that they cannot overcome the viscosity of the resin, and so they suspend. Dave
  21. JR area of a circle = πd²/4 you were thinking area of a circle = πr² Dave
  22. JR - volume = 3.14 x 0.635 x 0.635 / 4 x 0.635 = 0.20110cm³ weight = 11.34 x 0.20110 = 2.28047 grams Dave
  23. Dale - the dimensions of your ballast to achieve a specific weight are very easy to calculate. If you PM me your email address, I will write a spreadsheet for you, it will only take minutes. Dave
  24. I have the camera for the job, but I can't download the software for managing the slo-mo, some problem with the secondary program needed to run the primary. Dave
  25. I just found another video by the same guy. This one tells a much more detailed story and really has me re-thinking. Dave
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