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Everything posted by BAssKickin

  1. Who is making this color in a beaver (2 sided) bait? Northland discontinued this color!! It was their BEST color.
  2. Looking for someone to make 100 5" Senkos for me in Lure Craft's (ONLY!) old motor oil (Yellow looking and NOT the new GREEN) with black flake. I used to make plastics and I ran out of this color and need replacements fast! I also want them as heavy or slightly heavier than Yamamotos. I believe my formula was 11 oz. of plastic, between 40-50 drops LC OLD Motor Oil, with 1/2 tsp large black flake. Contact me please IF you have the color and you do good work.
  3. KEEP THROWING ANY BAIT THAT CATCHES FISH NO MATTER THE FINISH!! I have a rebel Pop-R that is easily over 15 years old, not a speck of paint left on it but the whitish yellowed plastic...OUT FISHES EVERY POP-R I HAVE NEW OR OLD!!!!
  4. Does Devcon 2-ton require thinning prior to application? If so, what does everyone use to thin? Thanks.
  5. Check out 280201140580 on ebay.
  6. Anyone making a HEAVY (as heavy as a Senko) Del's MOTOR OIL with Black flake Senko? PM me!!
  7. BAssKickin

    Dick Nites ?

    Are you guys brushing Dick Nites clear coat on? If so, what types of brushes are best?
  8. What is the consensus regarding sanding painted baits or using a white overcoating to cover the manufactures paint job? Sanding seems to be way to time consuming. If overcoating is the way to go; what is the best paint to use? I tried Krylon and really do like it...seemed tacky even after 12 hours of drying. Any suggestions? THANKS!!!
  9. I have a set of Createx Pearl colors, what can I mix to get a good OLIVE GREEN color?
  10. Howdy all! I am Scott from Birchwood, Wisconsin (God's Country). I am 40 years old, 21 year veteran of the Air Force, retired this past summer and now I am a Veterans Service Officer. Love the job, but takes away from my true loves...fishing and hunting. I was making plastic worm baits but got burnt out on that so now I am getting geared up to try my luck at repainting hard baits. This site and the folks on the site are awesome! I try my best to help when I can but like all off us we learn something new everyday which makes this site all the more helpful. All regional TU members should plan a gathering in summer...maybe a tourney and picnic...meet everyone face to face and have some fun fishing and exchanging baits.
  11. Well, I have searched the site and looked at Walmart and some craft stores for mesh material for spraying scales...where are you all getting the materals for making scales? Side Note...are there stencils for the "shad dots" and "Gills"???
  12. Ok guys, I am new to customizing hardbaits that are already painted...I would like to get into repainting lures that I already have but need to know what everyone uses to cover the manufactures paint before repainting your own design????? You guys are great and I already found a wealth of information but cannot find base coat ideas. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Check tacklewarehouse.com; out of southern California...I believe they have them. OH, I better order mine now before you guys buy them out...LOL! Good fishing!
  14. All GREAT advice and information given... More food for thought... We can also provide our customers something else the big companies cannot...that is "TRUE HAND POURED" baits. I wonder sometime if we are losing our hand pouring tradition with 2 sided molds and these fancy pressure pots. I like that technology has given us the 2 sided mold but we need to remember we are "hand pourers"...or "hobbiests" who can make 3 colors pours using perex cups or production pots...the big guys cannot. Our awesome "contribution" to the fishing industry is our unique ability to make custom colors for our "hand poured baits"...not become just another injection bait maker. IMO Good Fishing!!
  15. With one sided molds, you can shake a bit of salt on the hot plastic while it cools to give the bait a "taste". The salt will then come off slightly to make bagging easier.
  16. IMO...I believe the problem is a combination of the molds getting to hot and the plastic being poured to fast when the mold is hot. Try placing the mold on metal to cool...the heat will disipate faster...you could also use a fan to cool the molds and set the plastic.
  17. Thanks Guys...you all have been great help. Kamazee...PM me with a price on 10 pounds...thanks.
  18. I use Lurecraft's Pearl White powder. Remember to keep the tempurature at the lowest possible pouring point to prevent burning even slight burning will make the baits yellow. Do not add any colored oil attractant either use only the pearl powder. Hope this helps you. Scott BAssKickin Baits
  19. I did not see a way to purchase on line. Does anyone know if you can purchase directly from them?
  20. Where are you guys buying this type of salt? I have checked 3 different supermarkets and Wal-Mart...no luck! Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Scott
  21. They may be cloudy but they catch fish...that's what I want. I realize they have to catch a fisherman's eye to release money from his/her wallet BUT the bottom line is the weight at the end of the day.
  22. Lurecraft, Shawncollinscustoms.com ... may be a few more
  23. I think I NAILED this color this morning! It even has the "cloudy" appearance most Zoom baits have...if interested in the recipe PM me and I will share it.
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